Silver City now on the map


Silver City is now looking for hardworking, active citizens to help make this the best city in the west. Great location, with lots of good jobs nearby.

Prefer level 9 or above who have proven their activity, but this is a new land and "up and comers" who are committed to being active and building the town will be considered.

TW players, and others looking to carve out a place for themselves in the west, welcome but no horse thieves, backstabbers, or four-flushers need apply.


join your town ???

I'm an active up and comer looking for a Town i can help build up and grow with.


I am a very new player and I plan to be very active. I understand if you don't want to invite me to your town yet but I would hope you will consider it so I can grow with the town! Thank you.


Im on daily and just started 2 days ago and im a level 4. I play on TW so I think i can be pretty good at this game.


Id like to get in on this, im level eight and i started a few days ago i have one of the highest construction skills in the game (i dunno if that helps) but message me in game if you feel im worthy


I started yesterday i'm lvl 2 and i plan to be active so i'm looking for town...hope you will accept me:) I also come from TW


yo dude

im a TW player with lots of xp. just stated this game a few days ago. im currently lvl 8 with about 10% more xo to go for lvl 9

i will meet you preferable requirements by a few hours. Please consider me as i also need a town urgently


I`m also a TW player and I need a town badly to get the most out of the game. Currently a level seven but I intend to be highly active so please consider me for joining your town.