Shoot a fort battle noob

Deleted User - 1693871

I always support your ideas, Derek

Then think it through first.

Do you want to be the dueller sniper who normally does high damage but gets targetted by every player to 'take you out'? And has that happen battle after battle after battle?

Or the soldier tank who has taken point expecting to get shot at say 15 times, and instead gets shot at by 40 people?

Derek comes up with some good ideas, but this one would make fort battles total chaos. I suspect he's put the idea forward with his tongue at least partly in his cheek. :p


Hmm, I think It would be too mean. As players in the game automatically fires at anything within their range, you will never know when a noob might be useful. :)By the way, people might abuse their power as when they see an enemy on their side,they will not hesitate to take you out even if your are lvl 120. Then there might be players fight each other on there own side and they might not concentrate on the fort battle.


Top 50 is nothing. Anyone with minimal effort can get in the top 50, including some of the worst fort fighters I've ever seen. Plus, believe it or not, there actually ARE hiders in the top 50. :rolleyes:
So take the top fort fighters on a server and stuff them in a town. They usually don't follow politics that much anyways. :p

btw Derek, good job on reaching page 3 ;)


I can't belive that Elmyr agreed with this idea lol.

This idea is cool but it would cause so much problems. If you can aim the noobs and shoot at them, why wouldn't they do the same?? Say 10 people from the front line and 10 from the rear are shooting at each other + the enemy shoots at the front line. Battle would be over in few rounds. Tho it would be really hilarious. :D :D


Now to think about it, I think i might agree. But instead of shoot a person dead, just kill him out of the battle. I think only people with authority rights: Generals and blah blah blah... can kick people with the agrreement of other members. Else, what would a battle be when everyone is hiding and there is no battle?


I can't belive that Elmyr agreed with this idea lol.

That's a little strong. There are just times when I would love to shoot someone on my side. As far as an actual idea goes, I think having a missed shot have a chance to hit someone on your side would be interesting, which could be balanced by giving a missed shot a chance to hit another enemy too.


That's a little strong. There are just times when I would love to shoot someone on my side. As far as an actual idea goes, I think having a missed shot have a chance to hit someone on your side would be interesting, which could be balanced by giving a missed shot a chance to hit another enemy too.

I agree with that. When you miss your closest opponent, the bulet just flies by him and goes through the other opponent.


Stray bullets actually hitting people.. Omg, imagine the massacre.

"You missed your target and hit Elmyr instead. Elmyr is now enraged because you can't shoot worth fiddlesticks."


So the General could "flag" someone as a deserter and that increases their chance of being hit by stray friendly fire?


While I have had more than one occasion where I'd like to put a little bit of lead in someone in my fort, I'd MUCH rather see the Traitor ranking actually mean something. If you rank someone a Traitor, they shouldn't be able to get into the battle on your side at all.

And I'd also like to see some tracking of how often someone has been ranked a traitor.


Just wondering, what prompted this idea? Do these noobs really that disruptive in battle that they're preventing victories?


I'd join the side with the most HP tanks and crit the hell out of them ;)


Well-Known Member
The biggest tanks usually aren't noobs, though.

HA! (ooops, did i say that out loud?)

most tanks are committed pros who know what they are doing. some are just funny (or frustrating) bullet sponges. i bet elmyr can think of 50k of useless hp in 3 seconds and would have spare fingers in both hands to keep counting. i know i can.

Deleted User - 1278415

Some battles yes I would like to turn that on.

The game would need to have an option that specifically states "You are about to attack your own teammate njub are you sure you want to do this?" as s/he will be notified that you are shooting at him and s/he will be targeting you the next round as well.

Possibly turn your characters from blue/red to a green color so everyone in the fort knows your drunk and battling each other to the death or until the orig attacker targets someone else in the fort.

Kidding aside, when you click on someone in an actual fort battle I think this would be prompting a lot or each time you click on somone. Would you want a doubleclick event or a context menu that says move here or attack here option to choose. Also this would never get passed by the devs as you would have people joining def and off to lopside the battles more.

but very funny.


So you want to shoot your mates because they don't answer your orders?Maybe they lag,maybe they dont even understand what you say coz of lag-not very good language.Or simply they are NEWBIES that try to learn the game.That deserve KILL?

Send him mail and ask him why?Maybe its one of the other stuffs i said above and if not,if he is just someone who doesnt "speak your rules", a little *tag dot or X next to his name* from higher rank will make sure that you will find him after battle for ->kicking from alliance or->you wont join next battle or whatever you want.

Imagine team kills, or that so simply idea above that can just fix everything.