Saint Patrick Coin Event


Well-Known Member
Howdy! I just reviewed the calendar for March and did not locate the Saint Patrick Coin Event (NOT the clover event...i'm not interested in that)......can you please pass on when that will be starting on Colorado? Thanks for your time


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the support Collin and martoru....but i'm just asking here about the coin event. And yes mart.....the calendar has certainly seen better days for accuracy....i'm just hoping we don't get caught completely unaware of a major event. Pop ups used to show up when we logged on just 2 or 3 short years ago giving us the upcoming dates.....Coin event starting date is the only concern here in this thread


Well-Known Member
I put a message in yesterday and it's almost 5PM today......can ANY moderator please just confirm the day and time of the St. Patrick Coin event start? I hear a lot of folks trying to "figure it out" based on things happening in beta, years past, etc., etc,, etc....... but it would be so very helpful if you could officially let us know. This event takes thousands (not hundreds) of your inventory items and is very, very involved.....28 hours (sometimes more) of coin jobs per day.....planning is so important...can you please let us know? Thanks so much.


Howdy! I just reviewed the calendar for March and did not locate the Saint Patrick Coin Event (NOT the clover event...i'm not interested in that)......can you please pass on when that will be starting on Colorado? Thanks for your time
according to dead calendar it start today