I'm wearing the red indian necklace, when I try to put the blue bandana on for this quest, it won't let me. When I click on it, it says "You need this item for one of your work assignments" Same thing when I click the blue bandana to put it on. Is this a bug or am I missing something? It lets me trade other things by clicking.
Gwyn, if you're currently doing a job, you need the skills boos from the red Indian necklace to do it. Without those, you couldn't do that job. So wait until you're done or cancel the job, then switch to the blue bandanna and complete the quest.
you mean it checks that now? I know I've switched items in the past, to pick out my next job, so that I was no longer qualified to do the one I was doing (mostly, by switching out the bowler hat...)
You have to pick your dodging to match his attacks
For me, after getting beat 5 times, I was able to piece together that he hit me in the left hand in rounds 1/5 and 4/8 and in the right hand in rounds 2/6 and 3/7 so i just changed my duel tactics so that he would miss those spots in those rounds.