Ranks lose fort fights

Tucker Blue

Well-Known Member
From what i can see, more players die or get mauled badly from being blocked by higher ranks in fort fights than from lack of following orders. If you have 12k hp and the square you want to move to is taken by someone with 500hp, DON'T MOVE THERE.

It's that simple. If you do you sacrifice a team member.

So when i'm in a fort fight and the ranks start whining about people not following orders, i laugh and flip the bird at my screen. Because that's what i think of tanks blocking dying team members. i've been knocked out three times in a row now from being blocked, and usually by someone with thousands of hp left.

And before the same players doing the blocking start up with the "stop whining, it happens", i say no. Because it shouldn't happen. It's the small guys that get up on walls to help that should be the heroes while ONLINE players with 10k hp mill around outside then block escape routes.

And about 4 others voiced their displeasure of being blocked this last fight too. It's rampant and it wastes team members that can sit in the back with low hp and take pot shots from a distance.

True story.


New Member
I feel your pain. It's hard to say anything on the subject though because it brands you a whiner. I've been in several fort battles where someone got burned by a higher rank and went ballistic, ranting into the fort chat on and on out of anger. It interrupts orders, confuses the chat and gets you branded a whiner. After so many of us witnessing this kind of tantrum, when someone like you comes along and tries to bring attention to the issue, you and everyone who voices support will be labeled a whiner. Even as someone who is seldom effected by this issue, i know it exists and feel there should be some sort of 'gentleman's rule' or something for it.

Ranks do not lose fort wars; that is over-simplifying the problem. Ranks are given to online, high-level players, with lots of hit points and those players who have participated in enough battles and displayed enough skill that the current leader recognizes them and trusts them with a rank. This puts more power in the hands of active and skilled players.The ability of a higher-rank player to take the spot of a lower or un-ranked player is a necessary privilege of rank. It allows higher skilled players to be exactly where their leader needs them by allowing them to shove a well-meaning but unskilled noob out of a critical slot. Yes, over time this forms a sort of 'old boys' club where the leader and all his or her buddies get ranks first, but there are plenty to go around and its not hard to get one. If you're an unknown with only 500 hps, you're not getting a rank and your job is meat-shield.

However, to shove a noob out of the way so you can be in a designated spot is one thing, to shove someone into the line of fire simply because you're passing through the sector is kinda ****ty. But things happen man. That rank may have targeted an empty square two rounds ago, not knowing you would move there between then and now.


I do understand your frustration, moving during a battle can be tough, inside the fort with restricted space, or moving to get Line of Sight, or get out of Line of Sight outside the fort as well. I have been bumped countless times, I never ever mention it, because to me it is part of the game. People place their spot to move to, I am not certain, but I know when folks first set their toon prior to a battle, two folks can set for the same spot, simultaneously , and the game does not show it for a few minutes. And both innocently set the same location, are stacked. I am sure that game lag plays some into the actual battle, so folks may not be aware of the person on that spot.

During a battle folks set quickly to move, often not looking to see if someone is already there, I myself, see if someone is there, if an offliner i may set that spot, but if someone is online, I never do. But like I said, getting bumped is part of the game to me. As for your comment about those folks with high health points , yes, they are higher level usually, and get a higher rank, it is shooting and movement priority, and leadership skill counts too. My advice to any lower level person, is to stay behind the tanks and shoot, cozy up to a tank in the back of the battle, get a share off their leadership, and blast the other side. When a group fights together for a long period of time, they know what each other will do, I know my guys, how they move, and how they play.

Don't let it get you down man.;)