

When it is divinely inspired, rational, and protects the people of the land, yes.


It's certainly not encouracing for her psychological well-being.

Or the fact that apparently you listen to really generic rock.

Actually, my querry has nothing to do with that particular song. I was quoting not from the song, but an "event" all'but *Checks* 3.5 hours ago.


I would caution anyone with small children against visiting Simcity, as its members apparently are, at the very least, sympathetic to child predation.

Two people love each other, just because the law says they can't it's statutory? ...and therefore you disagree with it.

And with regard to your comment on Simcity, are you saying that you agree with your Leaders views, ie. Bush was and is right to invade Iraq then?
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lol why is the topic called quest when it is clerly a spam thread SKORM you in here???


hahha. sexual references rock. you referring to the kids that are now all grown up and work in supermarkets etc?


Christianity and Catholicism were basically one thing thousands of years ago. But usually the prejudice here is generally against the Catholic priests.


Actually, my querry has nothing to do with that particular song. I was quoting not from the song, but an "event" all'but *Checks* 3.5 hours ago.

Then I am sorry for judging your taste in music, but not half as sorry as I am for gaining graphic insight into your nightly activities. Please be careful with that poor girl.

Two people love each other, just because the law says they can't it's statutory? ...and therefore you disagree with it.

A loving relationship requires somewhat equal footing and the ability to make mature, rational decisions. At this point in psychological development a child is capable only of loving people as care-givers, not as partners. To take advantage of this position of superiority is immoral, unfair, and damaging. The law reflects the reality of the situation and therefore ought to be respected.

So again, Simcity ought to be avoided by all those who value justice and the safety of our youth.

interesting.. coming from a priest...

It is not my place to offer apologies on behalf of those who have abused this holy position, but my actions have never been thusly guided and so this attack is unwarranted.


Christianity and Catholicism were basically one thing thousands of years ago. But usually the prejudice here is generally against the Catholic priests.

It's not just the Catholic one's that have been up to no good... Priest is the 'generic' part of this argument. Or would you like me to list off what they're called in every religion each time I refer to them?