Pure construction


out of all builders Ive hit, only 10% have ANY money at all, so i don't know what your rambling about.


atm on w3 i'm just saving for a whole set of dueling gear


Fancy Dress Coat
Fancy Leather Hat
Fancy Felt hat
Brown Boots

so people are dueling me less now :|


hey ive got money most of the time.. come dual me =) lol.. im actually serious... idc....

anyway... how about posting your pure construction stats? =)
im at..
124 construction + 19 bonus


Well yea being 100% builder has major downsides.

Your fighting sucks. I have put a hurt on people when i got ahold of them but still it sucks. Just have to live with a town that if you get attacked your duelers handle it.

I see alot of duelrs though pay respect and if your a builder they leave you alone. Unless someone in your town attacks their builders.


frankly i don't care if i get attacked as a builder. i enjoy being a tank and love seeing how high i can hit.