premium price


Why does it cost more than four times as much to play this game in premium as it does tribal wars?


Very good question.

The answer to your question is:

"Because people will pay it."

If enough people stopped paying for it, they would have to either increase the (already big) advantages or lower the prices.

As long as people are willing to pump money in at the current prices, they sure as hell won't lower it.


I ment the reverse ,any beta versions of online games I have played before have included the premium for free as in effect the players are doing a huge test of the game for the Dev's and not getting paid

On here as long as they call it a Beta version we are paying them to iron out any bugs and give them feed back as to what players would find appealing in the game and make either more players sign up and or improve longevity thus keeping money coming into their coffers.

Just to add insult to injury if you are playing the other TW you get 3 days premium for free as a christmas present from them


Very good question.

The answer to your question is:

"Because people will pay it."

If enough people stopped paying for it, they would have to either increase the (already big) advantages or lower the prices.

As long as people are willing to pump money in at the current prices, they sure as hell won't lower it.

That is a bad answer. That is if you knew anything about economics. Right now there are many games out there that are cheaper and provide a much richer and complete gaming experience. Runescape is an example. Kingdom of Loathing is another.

High prices work well with items of finite availability but work horribly for items of infinite availability. Premium costs them nothing to make. So they can afford to price it at any price they feel like.

The Upside of pricing high is that you get a premium price for your product.

The downside is that you limit your customer base. If people feel they cant compete in a game they will likely move onto another.

By offering the game at half the price you lose money from the initial client base, but you also gain many new clients. With a new game it is even more important to offer low prices as you want to retain as large of a client base as possible.

By offering the game at a quarter of the price you lose even more money, but again, you gain more clients which increases money. Another advantage to having prices this cheap is that more people will play premium on more than just one world. This increases the client base even more, giving a much more competitive game experience.

but blah...i know nothing...



what no i think oxo answered it.

it is high so that they can get out o f beta earlier or they have more money for investing in the ideas


So following this logic they should put the cost of tribal warts up


the price should be lowered if they want to get out of beta faster.

One Armed Ninja

Well-Known Member
beta isnt just about money,of course there is developing the game, but also you have to iron out the game first
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bringing in more people also helps ironing out the game faster. This is done by LOWERING the price.

even the poll on weststats shows the the vast majority of players think the price is too much.


i think if it was lower then i may use it but prob not i dont on t wars but the uses on this are much more useful thats what everyone needs to remember on t wars it just makes it wasier to naviagate really whilst on this u get better beneifits


after getting screwed on my santa hat... (doing the quest and not even getting anything) i dont understand why anyone would pay for a glitchy game. let alone an overpriced one.


tribal wars is hard once you get 250 villages with no premium like i had on world 19. It is crazy hard.


well i have 24 lol on world 23 and premium helps it but
still it doesnt give you better troops etc
this gives u better money luck and motivation


when you have to remember where all your nobles are...make daily packets...refresh build orders...refresh troop orders...and blah blah really need the premium. It gives time saving shortcuts to all the things you hate doing. try sitting someones account who has premium. You will see the difference.
