Premium Chests

Pankreas PorFavor

Well-Known Member
I used exp potions, different medals, fort buffs, work instructions, and once or twice I even used some crappy work buff just for the fun of it (strengthening fishing rod FTW!! ;)).
but in old worlds you can't give these things away... nobody even replied to my messages in chat. we are talking about sets from 2012 and early 2013 (if I recall correctly?). maybe they could have their use in Fairbank, but in old worlds? I doubt it. that's what bugs me the most - I should be grateful and happy for getting a rare prize, but what I feel most is disappointment.
and if you look at it from Innogames' point of view - why would anyone waste nuggets on these games?


Yeah, it was the Forgetfulness Potion. The thing is, I restarted so many times (I am quite anal when it comes to quests and I need to complete every single one, even the daily ones.) that when I restarted for the last time, I piled a shed-load of points into duelling to discourage any would-be duellers from taking pot-shots at me, then I spread the rest evenly over the rest of the skills needed for the most popular jobs that I would be doing.
Since I have such a great collection of clothing, it is very rare for me to be in the negative with LPs when I do a job.
As for the Inno-Belt, I won one and my friend won one too. Guess we are lucky. :) It is rather discouraging when you choose the wrong one and see a fantastic prize. Reminds me of the old TV show Bullseye. "Let's look at what you could've won." Nothing like rubbing salt in the wound. :D
As for the massive collection of junk, sell them to the Wandering Trader. It all goes toward getting your Golden Ass. :)


Well-Known Member
Bought a premium chest for 750k, got innogames belt from it.

That is pretty close from a howdah/gt.

The other use for premium chests is selling em.