Potential New World...


Well I have been banned for a year now, while I have created another account and did my best for a while I have to say I believe the Dev's of this game have ruined it.

The game used to be about dueling. It isn't any more, fort battles are king and the questing just became unmanageable (how many re-specs?) ... No-one can duel forever and it's not really possible, chasing hotel hiders around the world, but I didn't mind that. I enjoyed the banter with the Hotel Hiders. And I like Robbing Settlers and Hunting Bears during my lunch break...

I did mind spending countless hours Grave Robbing with very little reward for Golden Weapon that never materialized.

So how about this, a new World. Classic style. 1 hour jobs since you insist.

Absolutely no Golden Weapons, no Hernando's/Bell Starr's, no super shiny weapons at all.

No premium bonus, except entry to the world, which would be charged at whatever the equivalent of £10 is.

Only Five Large Forts. Co-ords... 1:1, 3:4, 5:2, 7:3, 10:1

The original quests except the premium bonus, with the class quests included. Although no worker class, building your town is gonna be an ass! Gives strength based players an advantage, they need.

No dumb duels against non players to self KO either.

In fact I would to so far to say that, the premium needs to be renewed after 3 months.

And most importantly no energy refresh on leveling. Or with premium. And adjust class bonus, give duelers the health bonus the soldiers used to enjoy (soldiers can keep tactic/weapon bonus) and give the adv's 10% reflex/toughness bonus.

I am open to suggestions on this, I loved this game once, now I mostly detest it. I haven't played for 6 months but hear dueling got screwed again. Dear Inno. Please make Duelers Paradise World happen.