Point of the West?


I'm playing it for a while now and I started to wonder what's the point of this game?
I mean when it finish,because it has to finish somewhere right?
For example TRAVIAN finish at building wonder to level 100...
is there any chance to finish West ? or game creators didnt decide what goings to be the end yet? :)



this is a multi player based game.. i never ever seen a game like that end :p

of course there will be more quests , more tasks , etc... so it can be more fun otherwise it would be way boring

Hope i helped!


As far as player were speaking and according to the Help of the game there is going to be weapons added for shootouts between towns.
But no one knows what will happen.

And i am sure they will find something great


the west is still under construction. there are many new ideas being added and stuff.


hahahah...good question ulthy...

anyway the i dunno if the west will have an ending...its still weird if it have and then you'll start all over again...(poor premium players...)

and if you'll make the west end. . . we will make THE WEST PART 2!!!!!


as someone mentioned this is a MMO game, and it doesnt have an end.
does lineage2 WOW or others have end ? the same runescape2 is endless
its just matter if developers are going to invest time and money to launch more quests and stuff that kills the boredom in such games. and if they are properly managed they arent boring


you will have to add sooo many quests ,weapons and everything in the game then.
Something new aswell or ppl will get bored with time :p


Well we already have a thread about some new quests, but it seems like nobody wants to vote on it yet.


not actually tat shadow...its not tat we dun wanna vote..we all want to have many quests queuing on our quest window...
