Poetry by Thom


I r has teh poems 4 teh interwebz!

No, seriously... I do.

Out At Sea
Thommy B.

Gulls fly by day
Fish swimming at night
Loud squawks produce their say
Sharks hunt causing a fright

You can hear Deep Blue cry
Sailors can hear her weep
You can tell that she'll die
They know not to wander to deep

The lighthouse shines bright
Waves lap against the rock
The ships sail away from the light
There the fish flock

Fishermen rush out in boats for a catch
They try to beat the birds that snatch

Steady Eyes
Thommy B.

Looking over our
Island I stare through the
Glass as I steadily watch the
Horizon for ships as I pass the
Time of the day
Hope is in my eyes as warships move
Onward to war with
Unbelievable firepower and skilled
Sailors to manage the ship as
Every day they become closer to war

Hoisting Sail
Thommy B.

Wind blowing my sail
Salty water splashes me
I adore the sea

Lover on Sand
Thommy B.

My love she lies upon the sand
I look into her eyes
I slowly move to hold her hand
And I yell SURPRISE!

She watches as I raise myself
To get up on one knee
Then collapses as she realizes
I have to take a pee

So I go and relieve myself
And much to her surprise
A beautiful velvet box
Appears before her eyes

The moral to my sonnet as you can guess
She made me wash my hands and then she said 'yes'

Letter to Deep Blue

Dear Sea,
I've always wished to sail upon your blue waters. To grab a boat and hoist the sail and catch a strong breeze to push the the boat onward. I'd let you guide me with ancient currents when no wind is present. You are millions of years old, yet time has not aged you; only what is around you. Deep Blue, you are my oldest love.

Your lover,

Thommy B.


Thank you. I try my best to impress... but I've always wanted to join the Navy just because of the sea.