Please Help

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Could someone please tell me where I can find the charlatan's shoes and fancy tie on world 8. I tried weststats to no avail the towns that are supposed to have them don't so I would appreciate any help you could give thanks.


Could someone please tell me where I can find the charlatan's shoes and fancy tie on world 8. I tried weststats to no avail the towns that are supposed to have them don't so I would appreciate any help you could give thanks.

i guess u arent able to see these items in the town stores....but tats only coz u can only see items to level 8 general store ad tailor as an outsider...but these towns do indeed contain these items...


Are you kidding me? I spent like 2 hours searching towns and I never saw the shoes or the tie and that was why huh. Thanks I really appreciate your response.


He found those towns thru weststats but coulnt see those items in shops ingame. That was the problem


Fancy Tie

You can find the Fancy Tie in Utopia Project.

It'll set you back $8800

As for the Charlatan's Shoes, I am looking for those too.
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