New world/Migration


Well-Known Member
Greetings people: duelers, fort fighters, workers and whatever else you might be. An idea struck me it is:could it be possible that INNO could open a world to which players can only migrate to instead of migrating to other current worlds?( since most of them are pretty dead). To make it better, the world can be opened before a tombola or before the Christmas event to somewhat support the market. This can help with the closure of the dead world so on and so forth. I am aware that there are a lot of problems, questions that cannot be answered at the moment and lots and lots of downsides to this idea but, I though it was something worth mentioning.


I don't get the idea. only allow migration to 1 world?I think there is migration into different worlds because they have different premiums.Im also not sure how it will affect the world weapons.If you mean a world with only migrants and no new accounts from 0 than that world probably would be the deadest of them all.


Well-Known Member
I didn't mean only allowing migration to this particular world,others as well ( for example,from world 1 to either world 13 or this particular one). About the no accounts from 0,that could probably be solved by simply allowing the migrants to move and if there is a decent number of them,allow accounts from 0 to be started. The weapons would be one of the many problems. As I said, this was just an idea that just struck me and I thought that I should mention it.