New "So called Premium Upgrade"

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Everyone vote Yea or Nay on your opinion as to if this is a true improvement or horrible idea.

Someone started a similar thread which has mysteriously disappeared. :mad:


These threats and making multiple topics about it are doing nothing. Inno makes a pretty good game with regular updates they do one thing people don't like any now everyones going to leave. The simple fact is you all are over exaggerating how much this will effect the game. If your going to leave then do it. There was already a 16 page thread about this. It has been established that people don't like it. Does it give some people a disadvantage? Yes, does it ruin the game? Absolutely not. Crying like a toddler that didn't get his milk accomplishes nothing.
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Crying and being angry is not the same thing.

Also I apologize for the post prior to this, I thought this was w12 thread. Sorry everyone. :(


When you actually think about it, it has the possibility to help the game. They make more money they can have more people working on the game for longer periods of time. Even if thats not what the money is used for from a business standpoint to not implement them would be foolish.


I have been vocal about this, and will continue to be. I don't mind the 'Buy Item', Shaman reset (in fact I rejoice, hallelujah, but it is the only one I'll use), the cut down travel time or the deposit cash from anywhere without taking a fund hit.. I don't even mind the 'Energy Refresh' you have to be seriously impatient to use it. And if you use extra energy premium you'll know it is hard to get your energy down anyway, especially with the levelling energy/health refresh - you don't need to sleep until level 35 anyway! I would object to the energy refresh if it included a health refresh, but it doesn't.

However purchasing skill points using nuggets damages the integrity of the game, especially since they're permanent! What other premium feature is permanent and has such a massive affect on gameplay?

The new premium features won't make me leave W11, but, I do seriously object to the purchasing of skill points using premium! Buying skill points from in game cash, would be a great move, hell what else is there to do when you are level 99!
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If you would like to elaborate on how the buying skill points damages the integrity of the game I would be pleased to here it. I'm not to found of buying skillpoints myself but i'm not really sure how it hurts the integrity of the game.


See how you'd like to get camped at lvl 10 by a player who has purchased 10 skill points in Aim.

Every skill point is valuable, the game remains fair because every player has the opportunity to get as many skill points as the rest of the players on a world. Premium or no premium. Under the old rules.


See how you'd like to get camped at lvl 10 by a player who has purchased 10 skill points in Aim.

Every skill point is valuable, the game remains fair because every player has the opportunity to get as many skill points as the rest of the players on a world. Premium or no premium. Under the old rules.

Well, it's 18 nuggets per skill point and 54 per attribute. These prices increase each time you use them and they do not decrease in price over time. I'm not saying it's fair, but hey, they have to make money some how, right? At least doing a job for 2 hours has been changed to 1 hour, that's about the only feature I like. lol


I don't mind the Premiums

There has to be ways to make more money and improve the game even more by getting more programmers etc. So I understand the Premium changes.

I do however mind the 1 hour maximum work time at the previous 2 hour energy rate, what does that make? 4 hours of work a day? Or am i missing something?


I happen to like most of the premium updates, but purchasing skill points needs to be removed from world 11 & 12 in my opinion. The new worlds are not so bad because players are joining and have joined those worlds already knowing they can purchase skill points. Worlds 1 through 12 were already without the option to purchase skill points and many players like the fact that they are at a more level playing field in that regard, especially when it comes to dueling.


I like the way they impose premium on worlds where if you don't want to cough up you're going to very quickly become unfairly disadvantaged.

Inogames aren't getting a cent from me, so I'll go find another game to play where I can play on a level footing.


Seems Obvious

Seems painfully obvious that the only "demand" for the premium upgrades were implemented by some false numbers.

There is even a petition started.

Hellstromm, you've been called out on this. Seems you should be answering instead of hiding and not responding to your own thread which you locked out immediately on posting.
Why did you lock that thread posting it was by popular demand? The only demand that seems to be popular is the one that you apparently made up.

I know personally you do not believe in backing what you say but just state things like "I said so, therefore it is". Again, I KNOW this personally.

Everyone should undertake directing emails to Inno without going through a filter.

GREAT IDEA on the petition!!!!!


I wouldn't mind it if the premium features were downgraded on older worlds instead of being like they are in new worlds. Like maybe just have the shaman reset and maybe all the premiums cost 50% more on premium worlds.

Just something to downgrade them and not make them the same as new worlds. I think they are needed for Inno to get more money to improve the game, but on older worlds it should be somewhat different in my opinion.


I hate this, this world started as "normal" world, and then those decided to make him payable one... This means that all those that played this world played for nothing, all rankings are of no value from now on...

As for economical approach, I would say that this is wrong move by Inno, cause this is no long term solution to get money... This move can only be interpreted as their try to close this world and to get money in fast way...

This idea of this whole premium could be solved much easier with closing paying for attributes and skill points cause only this brings disbalance to world...

I will quit this world in a week if nothing changes, and it is really a shame that I lost so much time playing this game to get some rankings, and now people will buy themselves rankings... This whole game is going to hell, and I know for myself that I will avoid every Inno game in future...


If Innogames wanted more money for development, why can't they create 'Free' and 'Premium' worlds? If you want to spend to play then fine, do so but only in a world where everyone does the same.

And give those who start in a 'Free' world the option of moving their account to a 'Premium' one if they so desire. But it has to one way, no coming back to 'Free' after that.


i was online when arizona & briscoe opened..i didnt join them for a reason..i didnt want to play in a loaded almost lvl 72 , and what you can see is pretty much all of the top players arnt premuim and are the ones running the top towns..i have a chuckle at premium players..all seem to be around lvl 40-50 with no idea & belle stars you can buy energy,,buy skill points,,whats the point of even playing? challenge..whats going to happen is all the decent players that run all the towns and forts wont wanna put up with buy in players that are clueless and leave..then your gonna have two more dead worlds ..nice work ,,now ill wait for a mod to be dismissive about what ive said and call me a whinger and close the thread..maybe a message with an infraction blah blah...gotta love the arrogance,,,then again..prolly those lil lvl 40 types with a chip on the shoulder;)


this will be great i will be a level 1 player doing robbing trains... woo hoo.....just kidding, i have stopped paying for premiums and will quit the game all together if they do this to all worlds...i dont mind any of the new premiums except the ones to buy skill and attribute points. i like to duel and that means anyone with more money than me can beat me not because they put there stats in the right place but because they have so many it over powers me................its wrong


If Innogames wanted more money for development, why can't they create 'Free' and 'Premium' worlds? If you want to spend to play then fine, do so but only in a world where everyone does the same..

Free World's will not work.

Here, here.. on the variation on the theme.

Speed - energy/health maximised with level jump, new premium settings, daily XP login bonus. 1 hour jobs. Item sets.
Traditional - no energy/health maximisation when advancing a level, no daily log in bonus, old school premium advantages. 2 hour jobs. No item sets.

They could mix it up further with Fort & no Fort Worlds.
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