New quest series for those level 65 and above.

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Thank you developers!!!!!!!!!!

Finally something for the high levels.

I hope we don't get shafted with lame quests that are impossible for certain builds to do. It should be varied, rather than having us need to spent fifty grand just to respec our characters to do a random job.

My real prayer is that we get some cool high level equipment as a reward, rather than the usual skill points n whatnot.

I still haven't done kate's ring yet because I can't mine silver. I need spend like $4000 to do it and I haven't gotten around to it yet.


Too bad I'm 8 lvls away on W5 but then again no one on W5 is 65 so I can still catch up


No offense but one skill monkeys shouldn't be complaining about the fact that they can't do every job cause they have all their Attributes and Skill points in one skill and one attribute.

One skill monkeys gain access to extremely high difficulty jobs very early on that will take the average player (who can do most low-medium difficulty jobs) months and months to get around to being able to do...




well he can take a picture of him self with the camera not pointing at him so he must be skilled in one way or another


Thank you developers!!!!!!!!!!

Finally something for the high levels.

I hope we don't get shafted with lame quests that are impossible for certain builds to do. It should be varied, rather than having us need to spent fifty grand just to respec our characters to do a random job.

My real prayer is that we get some cool high level equipment as a reward, rather than the usual skill points n whatnot.

I still haven't done kate's ring yet because I can't mine silver. I need spend like $4000 to do it and I haven't gotten around to it yet.

As we only have the rest of March to do the quest I can't see it being to complicated or rewarding ,still a quest is very welcome what ever it is


well he can take a picture of him self with the camera not pointing at him so he must be skilled in one way or another
And he clicked the button with his tongue :O

@Oxo, he's talking about the extra quests, there are march quests and 65+ ones.


Huge gap? So you will have to level up 16 times before new quests comes up?
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