Well first of, you players are so darn fast, cant even make 1 fort fight without you running to it
Anyway, as you have surely seen by now i have tried something new.
The next upcoming fort fight will ONLY be for adventures and duellers. And for both sides.
As always there will be rewards to both sides no matter the winners or looser.
But since so many of you have wanted to play, i have come up with this solution to see if it could work in "reducing" the attendance to the fights, or at least even it out for said classes.
This will also be a way of maybe change the rewards giving, and making them more character specific. As an adventurer, you might not need a duel motivation buff, but more a luck drop chance buff ;-)
So with this, a first battle test. I hope you like it, and please give me all your feedback you can, this way i can cater and chance stuff in the future to maybe make more weekly-ish fort fights.
So, firstly, Thank You for actively managing the community, and for trying out a new configuration.
- I am not sure there be enough time in the tombola to even have the 2nd battle with the other classes? If not, then maybe delay the experiment in the interests of fairness to the other 2 classes (+Greenhorns). The fighters will still get fireworks, even if you don't add additional ones.
- Having all 4 classes is important to the quality of the experience.
- Reducing attendance is kind of the opposite of what we want in battles, bigger = better in all regards, but it's understandable to a degree because the battle over-fill on colorado and you aren't experimenting with numbers (yet). Events at Awesomia is the only way we can have full large battles these days, even if they are smaller in maximum numbers than battles from just a couple of years ago, it's still the most fun battle type.
- In 2021, your character class and your playstyle generally don't have anything to do with each-other, tombola gear is what matters, sadly.
- I look forward to more GM battles

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