Need help making $$$$


What job should i do? I need money to construct my town but i barely get rewarded from jobs i do. What jobs can i do to get more money. I'm all on out construction /str, lvl 10


thx, is there any other way , a faster way of making money.. I'm currently solo in this village i made. and making money is quiet hard at this lvl taking forever to build a single hotel.


thx, is there any other way , a faster way of making money.. I'm currently solo in this village i made. and making money is quiet hard at this lvl taking forever to build a single hotel.

Invite more members to your town..... or leave your town and join another... you will not get anywhere being the only person in your town..... it is better to cut your losses early in the game.... regardless of how much money you have spent on your town.....


Building alone is not very fun, if I were you I would join a bigger town.


I agree. Even the well developed towns are struggling to find new, active players. Not sure which world you are on, but a town with one person at the moment is going to have a tough time of it.

On world 3, we merged with another town recently, all their players coming to us. They were reasonably developed but had pretty much stalled because recruitment is hard and just a few people can't get the work done efficiently.

You can't do it alone. Cut your losses sounds harsh, but it is good advice.


I'm stuck in the same rut - i'm the only active member in my town (there's 4 others, but haven't been active for at least a week) and it's difficult to construct buildings with only my money being spent on it.

I've sent out 5 invites, and numerous messages to people, but nothing so far :\


In terms of getting money, the best jobs to do are the highest wage jobs you can. In my case, I do building coffins with 41% wages. After 2 hours doing that earlier today, I managed to gain $78, a brown cap, and 2 planners so the total money would be $178 including the money I get from selling those items I have found.

Before I started working today, I only have $116 in the bank and I don't carry any other money with me at all. But by the end of today I already have $549 in the bank. You see how much high wage jobs can give you.

Like what the other folks have said, its better if you join a bigger town with active members to fund and ultimately build the town.


:) if anyone wishes to join my town I will be active, in world 5 town name boss , just pm me.


just PM me ingame and make your way to my town its brand new but if were all active we can catch up to the top 10 soon enough


I made a town on my own as a builder and got very far.

You need to build 4 hours a day or however much your motivation allows. Job all the high XP and wage jobs. Level up fast. Every single item you get and every single bit of cash deposit into the town. Everything. Get the hotel and general store first. Sell everything!!

That's how I did it and I always had cash.


ya that is my plan. but its impossible to generate the first few $$$$$ to build the hotel. and the general store.


I would tell you the secret to making tons of money, but I dont think there is one. :p


W4 Detroit is open ranking at like 35-36. pm Summer or Doom Kow1 for invite