Movies or Tv Series


Nashy (as himself)
I recognised that avatar from Life on Mars.

I was surprised at how good the characters are on animes like Code Geass and Deathnote. Those are the only animes I've ever really watched (apart from random youtube clips). They rank quite highly on IMDb some of the best TV series of all time. I say that because before watching I expected it would be like a cheap cartoon. Avatar: The Last Airbender was good too.

I watched the first few series of Skins (the UK version) a few weeks ago, now I'm watching Nikita.
I tend to watch them all at once ages after they've been released.


I do too. Though I do prefer the quattro and Pong to the Cortina and not Pong. Besides John Simm worked better with Philip Glenister than Keeley Hawes did. I can't quite put my finger on it, but maybe it was the begrudging respect and seething hatred free from sexual tension that made it more enjoyable. Also, the ending. I feel a bit let down with the ending to Ashes to Ashes. Not nearly as exciting as I was hoping. Maybe because Life on Mars had an open ending, where you could interpret it as you wanted, instead of Ashes to Ashes with its "This is how it is" ending.

Agreed completely. Plus I think that Anne from Life On Mars was a better character than Chaz in Ashes to Ashes.

Speaking of great scifi programmes that ended after one season that were great: Firefly.

Jonny, that's what internet is for.

Take my love and take my land...
Take me where I cannot stand...
I don't care...
I'm still free...
You can't take the sky from me!


Breaking Bad, Deadwood, alias, covert affairs, Strike back, Eureka are just a few, current watching for the third time.....LOST, Beginning to end ONLINE.....I like shows that break the rules and go against the current so to speak, but then again I HATE rules and people who IMPOSE those rules upon others.....


I like Bones, Elementary and the Mentalist (TV shows)
Fav movies: Green Street Hooligans, Boondock Saints (1st one), Fight Club, Snatch and RED (and many others but I try to limit myself)


I do not watch main stream TV.....with commercials.....

I watch ....WHAT I WANT WHEN I WANT, Commercial free and almost free....Used to be tied to Satellite, and flipping through 500 channels with nothing to watch.......AND paying a fortune for it....NO BLOODY LONGER.......



I don't watch TV either. Anything I watch is on Netflix, downloaded torrents, or otherwise viewed online.


Futu I think you mean:

With the help of the NSA, your TV monitors you and your channels, just to make sure you're not a terrorist.


Good old torrents of out of copyright shows. Who wants to watch Kaleidoscope?