


tireeeeeed... sleepyyyyyyyyy... crazyyyyy... been shooting all day yesterday... neeeeed... aaaaaaaaa.... coffeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.... even 12 y.o. need their coffee.... once... in a while... poof!! (I fell on the floor) "snore... snore..."
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*pokes te crazy shooter*


dizzy...crazy... sleepy...tired...


I'm pissed off.
Sitting at work.
Fracking customers fracking up their orders so I have to work fracking hours of overtime.


Not as good as I hoped. I had a busy hectic day yesterday and barely had any time for the game or the forums. I was hoping for a relaxing day, but I've been having connection problems (been slow).


I'm [ticked] off.
At a co-worker.

I can't say I often feel like punching a woman black and bloody, but this day; that is exactly how I feel.

So, she had an argument with her live-in S.O, and she didn't sleep much.
Sure, we all have bad days, but that doesn't mean we act like total [jerks] to everyone around us. Fracking excrement.
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