"Missed The Battle" problem


i have registered for fort battle (defence). but everytime i received a mail as "The battle for the fort Fort Thanksgiving has begun. Unfortunately all places were already taken!"

what I have to do? what is my wrong?


Well-Known Member
You received this report because you were discounted when ranking for that particular fight was held. Basically, each different size fort has a set amount of players that can partake in the attack/defense. For smalls it's 50/42, for mediums it's 100/84 and for larges the numbers are 140/120, so only the specified numbers of players can take part in those battles...

Ranking is, in short, where a hat of one of the owning towns of the fort/the town attacking the fort/upgraded player ranks those people who are online in the battle chat according to whatever standards they want to. Some players rank by HP (Health Points), others rank by what gun you have... Ranking for each battle generally takes place in the hour before the fight is set to begin (This varies greatly of course).

So, what I would advise for you here is that if you intend to attend a fort fight, that you go online to one to see if you can get ranked. As a side note, offline high HP players are often ranked, as they are useful for taking hits, and protecting low HP players, etc...

Hope this helps.


While last fort battle, I was online. I've never try joning battle as OFFENSIVE. I will try it.


Well-Known Member
Attacks do generally have more space, yes, so that might be a good idea. Did you ask for a rank in the fort battle chat on the occasion you specified?


Well-Known Member
also, it'll be a lot more likely that you get to fight in a large fort. small forts are terrible in active and semi active worlds, because you only get to choose 42 or 50 players, so rankers usually go for onliners and tanks. not sure what's your case, but based on your posts here i'd say you are rather new in this game, so that should mean low level, low on the health department, and your gear and gun are also accordingly low.

try attending a large battle (big forts are the ones in the middle of a county). ask for a rank in battle chat (ranking usually takes place 30-60 minutes before a battle, and you must be patient), and you might have to ask several times. a polite approach could take you far: "hi, i am new to this but ready. at the fort, geared up, will be online and will follow the orders. rank, please". you can chat with other players waiting for the battle start and ask for orientation, but don't spam because fort fighters tend to use the ignore button loosely. and more than anything, try to remain calm and polite at all times.


i cant understand 2 points:
1- what is the rank?
2-how do I know what is the level of fort (or capacity, which you talking about 50/42-140/120)


Well-Known Member
Well, the level of the fort you can find out by three ways. One, you can log in as either an attacker or a defender and see the map. (You would have to know the difference between the three maps sizes to be able to guess) Secondly, you could go to the 'Fort Battle Overview' and find out by looking at the picture of the fort. (Once again here, you would have to know the difference between the three fort images. The third way is by far the most explanatory. You need to click on a given fort, either through the map or through the fort overview. You'll see a pop out thing on the left hand side of the fort, on the page where you view the buildings, etc... Click that and hover over the small red flag at the top of that pop out box. That will tell you the fort size.

About ranking... There are 6 different ranks that you can have.

1. General - This rank can only be obtained by either being a hat in a town attacking a fort, or by being a Town's Founder when defending a fort.

2. Captain - Generals can give this rank to whomever they choose, although this rank is usually given to those with high HP or someone who is going to rank/lead. (Note that Captains cannot promote others to their rank too)

3. Private - This is the rank of the masses. Basically, everyone who doesn't get one of the aforementioned ranks is given this rank.

4. Recruit - This is the rank you start off with when you sign into a fort fight of which you aren't a hat of the town owning/co-owning/attacking.

5. Reservist - This is a pretty pointless rank in my opinion. I don't really see its purpose, though I'm sure some do use it.

6. Traitor - This is generally given to spies or people who have asked for this rank because they can't attend the fight. Traitors can participate in the battle if there are spaces left unclaimed by the 5 ranks above this, but they can't view the battle chat itself.

These ranks determine who moves and shoots first. So, Generals move first, then Captains, etc... If you are a Private, and someone else is too, then whomever has the higher 'Leadership' skill will move first.

Hope this explains it all... If not, then say heh...


Well-Known Member
api, reservist rank is mostly useful when you have a lot of offliners in a battle. with the way most rankers handle the process these days (which i hate, personally), that only those who ask for a rank will get one in order to give priority to onliners, when you rank reservists it sorta makes recruits the equivalent to privates, so reservist would single out the players with a lower chance to get picked by the system to fill up the side (say low level, low hp players who will also be offline). it was a lot more useful when ranking was handled properly, and we didn't have battles with more captains than privates, and more recruits than privates.

before the invasion of tanks and supertanks or special guns, battles were more like 1-3 generals, and maybe 5-8 captains, and the rest were privates. in a properly ranked battle, i would find the option to rank someone reservist to be useful if you have members of the owning town signed up to fight, your side is overfull and you want to make sure someone more fitted (higher hp, better gun, better gear, more experienced or whatever) would take those places. there have been cases when the system would leave out players with a private rank and let in members of the owning town that were just recruits, when a lot more players were signed up to fight and at the fort. ranking those townies reservists was a quick and safe way to make sure all those who got a private rank would actually keep their places.

these days is just meh, because either you don't see full battles on most worlds, or the battles are mostly 10-25% generals, 40-50% captains, 5% privates and whatever is left are recruits. i wonder what would have happened in the alamo if it was fought that way...