[MINOR IDEA] - Shuffle Button in the dueling menu


For the dueler that just wants to change things after they've been dueled but not do so in a predictable way (call them, "The Lazy Target").

Clicking on the "Shuffle" button would randomly select the 5 aiming points and 4 dodging stances for each of the 4 rounds of a duel.

Current Workaround
Manually change the dueling aim/stance

A single shuffle button would be added into the dueling menu so quickly change the aim/dodge stances of each round

Abuse Prevention
Can't think of any way this could/would be abused, in fact it might help prevent the abuse of continually tapping a stationary target - especially new players

Visual Aids
Add a single button into the dueling menu at the end of the aim dodge stances (alternatively there could be two separate buttons, one for aim and another for dodging)

Just a quick way to randomly change things up for the predictable as well as the novice dueler. More experienced duelers would probably not use this feature but rather exercise manual control or tweaking of this randomization feature.

Does this idea meet the Ideas Guidelines & Criteria? Yes
Does this idea appear on any of the Previously Suggested Ideas List? No (Not that I've seen)
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Seems universal to all players and novices can use it for their duels.


I can see one flaw, it just randomises things all the more, dueling is already guesswork as it is without making it total luck, People believe it or not are creatures of habit and some duel stances are used far more than others.

With dueling where it is being a lottery already on a lucky guess and a roll this would just make dueling totally pointless as a profession.