[MINOR IDEA] Increase Quest Time Requirements for World 1 in certain quests


Idea title: Increase quest time requirements for World 1 for certain quests*
Details of idea: For example I'm now working on a quest that drops an item between 1pm and 3 pm. Your jobs can start before the 1pm start time but has to finish after this start time. So in normal world say your queue is as follows:
1. 12:01 - 13:01 full job
2. 13:01 - 14:01 full job
3. 14:01 - 14:31 half job
4. 14:31 - 14:46 quarter job
5. 2 minimum jobs

World 1:
1. 11:01 - 13:01 full job
2: 13:01 - 14:01 half job
3:14:01 - 14:31 quarter job
4: rest 2 minimum jobs

So in this case on world 1 the end time must be adjusted to 17:00 to fit in another full job and give a world 1 player an equal chance to get the item. There is other quests that is even worse.
Visual Aid: None needed
Reasons for submitting: Fairness, does not make a difference to gameplay only brings a fairer system in place for world 1. It really is not necessarily for us to be at an disadvantage in quests considering the other limitations we have come to accept.

*Discussing specific quest would be spoiler so not discussing it in the context of a specific quest.

Deleted User - 1278415

World 1 is a classic world for a reason that it has its challenges that makes it challenging that way. Cant always have a cake and eat it too or <insert something clever and witty here>

I would be careful about asking for changes to w1 as the mods might consider making w1 an expanded premium so it is on page with the rest of the worlds and would allow for users to move freely to it when world migration comes about.

Instead of recoding the world for 1 quest they just make it expanded premium that has all the job hour changes just like the rest of the world times.

The decision to make W1 as classic was never set in stone, it could be changed later this year, or next or five years from now. I would only gather that it has to be a headache at times for bug fixing devs to have 3 different types of worlds, classic problems, enhanced problems, and complete enhanced problems.