New Minor display bug in the duel window


Active Member
In the duel windows player tab, the little animation causing the revolvers to be fully shown when the mouse is over them is not correctly cancelled when the mouse leaves (the desired behavior can be seen in the bandits tab, and the undesired one is shown in the screen shot below).
The reason for that is the following gem in the javascript part of the game:
    var updatePlayerList = function() {
        $('div.dl_fightbutton', DuelsWindow.DOM).on('mouseenter', function() {
            [... animation causing the resolvers to be fully shown ...]
        }).on('mosueleave', function() {  // <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< there <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
            [... animation causing the resolvers to be half shown ...]
The "mosueleave" really should be written "mouseleave".

This problem is not new, since it is at least 3 year old. Has no one ever noticed it?
Well, possibly not, because the whole tab is of questionable value.

The player tab is annoying and useless. In fact it is worse than useless, it's dangerous.
1. clicking on the revolver is the most stupid thing one can do here, because it starts a duel without even having seen the other players equipment.
I'm quite sure people only click here by mistake or before they learn how the game works.
(you can also see two extended revolver images, though there should be one at max)

2. a large free space where you could show a preview of the enemies / victims clothes.
You even should.

3. Of course there are more entries in the victim list, but how many pages are there?
The answer is 20. Now just imagine that you clicked through all 20 pages, and want to go back to, say, page 8. How do you do that? One page at a time, and either with a few seconds pause between the clicks or with a high chance to cause the dreaded streak of bad luck (because that tab really loads one page at a time from the server, which is not how i would do it).
Even the paging in the town shops isn't that bad.

4. sort by duel level: revolvers
5. sort by distance: stars (and over the distance information, too).
6. sort by class: rifles.
"sort by a random symbol unconnected to the data sorted by".
The only way to make it worse is to not use random, but wrong labels.
btw: sort by class. 1. Adventurers, 2. Duelists, 3. Soldiers, 4. Workers. What's is that useful for? Is that innogames way to say "don't be an adventurer"?

7. 2024. speed sets with 800 miles per hour.
That default (2h) is 15 years old, and the filter is practically useless. Well, not for absolute beginners, but that tab shouldn't be imposed on them anyway.

8. Level 193? Duel level 193!
Yes, the duel level is important if you want to manage your duel level in any way, but still the real level is more important.

9. TW Essentials Duel map is a live saver.
It avoids most of the mistakes mentioned above.

It's hard to imaging a worse player duel tab.

Regards, Uwe