March Competition


Well-Known Member
Here :p

(No fancy poster though, may make one over the weekend. It would most definitely help if I had any talent with graphics :p)


I think we should set up an epic fort battle so we all can get good KOs and XP for this competition.

Have Gang or whoever attack a large fort and we can have EVERYONE join... We can send out mass messages to the world so we can get maximum attendance.

We can do NWO/WANTED and some other allies vs you guys.

I think it's doable... who cares about the outcome.

Even if hillsborro gifts a fort to a sister town, then attacks the fort that way there no one will loose a fort... and they can just gift it back after.

Any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Sounds can count me in for this one

still, i would like the battle to be called AFTER the Easter season ends - most of us top players are all engrossed doing quests, we are even willing to skip battles to have them finished on time

Also, the battle should be called in the deep east - and at a convenient time, so that most of us will be online for it


sounds good to me... harsh, talk to some of your buddies with a large fort, have them attack an allies fort and then they can give it back if they loose it...

Post it here in the forums when it's going to happen... I say next saturday, give us all enough notice. Then we'll all just pick a side, don't matter which one, NWO vs NWO , Gang vs GG... lol

then we'll send in game messages for everyone to show up so we can max out the battle :)


Well-Known Member
Sweet! :) Remember the "score" is determined by the number of KOs, and you can't have any pre-arranged requirements (eg no clothes / no weapons battles). Get your people ready!


Well-Known Member
i'll talk with some guys, but there should be something else to ensure that the competition is fair

the battle must take place in an un-finished fort with small towers, so that the defenders don't have a huge advantage - all attacks on forts with large towers usually fail badly, with the defenders usually getting a thumping victory in the end

I have done some searching - and i think Mayhem S-E Corner or Fort Sumter would be good for a "fair" battle

what do you think?


Just make an ally attack their own ally fort... Like Sacred Lake attack Mayhem big fort FORT MAYHEM... Then if Sacred Lake wins have them give it back to Mayhem. Sacred Lake is part of the fort so Mayhem has to get rid of them so they can attack it. Like I said before do it on saturday so we all have enough time to post on the forums and let our towns know.


Well-Known Member
yes, that's possible - but it's vital that the fort is not built up to max, i don't quite like the huge tower bonuses and the advantage they give to the defenders


How about this...

Onliners are the attackers and offliners are the defenders (-=

It's easy to defend while offline, but hard to attack when offline...

It would make the attack much more exciting I think :)

I think this would help out the attackers greatly and don't have to worry about bonuses...

also those who want the xp but can't be online can still join in and get a ton of XP and KOs :)


Yea i think that is a cool idea guys
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