Lobster - Join the claw


Tiny toddler of a town (got all buildings, though) seeks fun-loving, claw slinging people.
Mostly built by me, myself and I, with some contributions from our soldier, the mighty BanditRabbit....

Town Name: Lobster
Town Rank: #1685
Town Points: 2020p
What classes are required: All are welcome, just builders a bit more so ;-)
Town Descriptions: A town incepted in a haze, growing like a maze
Where to contact: Contact me, Bergfall, in-game, and invite you will receive!

Stole the following guide (thanks!) :

How to find it on the map:
- click 'Telegrams' > write
- copy [player]Bergfall[/player] in the text area, select 'preview' (no subject or recipient needed)
- click on my name in the preview area
- click on the cross icon 'show on map' in front of the town name
- close profile and telegram windows.
- click on the 'Mini map' button (the world icon on the bottom left) to get the grid showing you the location in the world