Leveson Report


I'm sure you all know about the Leveson Inquiry and the subsequent Leveson Report.

Personally, I take the view that an independent regulator is needless, the incidents that caused the inquiry in the first place are covered by law, the law was broken, and thus the perpetrators should be prosecuted. End of story.

So what's everyone else's view on this?


Hacking someone's phone just to put more celebrity gossip into trashy papers like the Sun is horrible. Stick with good papers like the Times or I.


I'm sort of with tiger on this, however, I believe that although we should give the papers chance now, if an event such as this were to happen again in the close future, then I would definitely say that an independent regulator may well be necessary.


There are no good papers imo. Theres freedom of the press and theres abusing it, yes they should be prosecuted to the FULL the same as the politicians need to be AND bankers and anyone else who breaks the law.

The problem is they are all inter connected and work off each other. There will come a time when people are made to pay and put in jail. One thing that is pointless are fines, most of the time they can easily afford it and consider a fine an acceptable cost added. That has to stop and to do that you send directly to prison, no fine no option just Prison... show the people these scumbags cannot get away with what they do without serious ramifications.


I completely agree with that, however, I would add just one alteration. Instead of no fine no option just prison, I'd opt for no option, fine and prison. That fine could then go towards covering the cost of the inquiry etc.


Leveson should be implemented in full. It makes me sick that Cameron is trying to water it down so his News International cronies will support him in print. The whole corrupt bunch of them make me sick.
It's not enough to send ppl to prison - the law-breakers are only mercenaries for people like Dacre & Murdoch - the camp-guards to the Nazi leaders, as it were. Also, very hard to get a libel action to stick without loads of money to pursue it through the courts. Nice, juicy fines will hurt them more since the only thing they respect is money and the power that flows from it.
Cameron is a scumbag. Did I already mention that?