Join the troublemakers!


Aight... BTW what should a dueler do? I can't do the fort quite yet...


If you're lacking the points to start a job, I think the best thing is to do a job that rewards the highest XP points and when you level up, add the attributes and skills you need. (IIRC you get 1 attribute and 3 skill points every level)


I know how to do the abilities, Im level 28 in W5 and 8 in W7, Thanks for the help though, I think Im going to look for clothes that give me abilities that I need...


Going to be an adventurer and would like to join your town. Please PM me.


New in the game, currently lvl 6. Going to be an adventurer. Playing multiple times daily. Let me know if i can be of any use.




Hi there, looking for a town here on world 7.

Character currently lvl 8 (90/91)
Primary Attribute: Dexterity
Primary Skills: Setting Traps, Shooting
Intentions: Trapper, maybe some dueling.
Experience: Characters ranging up to lvl 32 on english worlds 3-7

Willing to wait on a later residence construction if needed. active 2-3 times daily as a minimum