

:sad: aw you hurt my fealings , but not it's not " About Bloody Time " cause im helping my cousin out by takeing care of his daughter whiel hes at field training and her birthday is in 2 weeks and now i cant get a really cool presant just some normale presents :sad:

Well, you should have thought of that before you started hitting the register and other ******ed poop you sub-par steaming pile of fertilizer.


hey thats rude to..... shes turning 5 , im sure you were rewarded for turning 5


hey thats rude to..... shes turning 5 , im sure you were rewarded for turning 5

Quite an accomplishment.
If anyone should be rewarded for her turning 5, it should be her parents.

Celebrating a birthday is not rewarding someone for not croaking yet, although I see how it could be viewed that way in a third world country.


only her dad ( my cousin ) should be awarded if thats the case , her mom was a damn crack head and if he wouldent of changed his will he would've left the lady with nearly a million dollars but i suggested he give it to his daughter and his mom.

this doesent mean theyrs something wrong with her or my cousin just the mother.
and we call it a " Birthday Party "


At School my girl friend walked past my desk I slapped her. But when she gasped and turned around it was my teacher who Punched me across my face breaking my nose screaming "get out you {censored} Pervert" She ran out and told the dean and when the dean came in and found out what happened. The dean and the board of ED were more concerned about my teacher and pressed harassment charges against her. Never really saw her after the court session was over.
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