

whats the biggest mistake you ever made at work?

i hit a custamor


whats the biggest mistake you ever made at work?

i hit a custamor
You HIT a customer?
I can see where you are coming from if you had hit on a customer, but it is quite usual to show the self-restraint necessary to not actually attack the customer.

Well, the mistake I can think of now, wasn't actually an mistake per say, as I did get to close, but I insulted the customer, and was bloody cheeky and that was what had the customer bite on the hook in the first place!

Mind you, hearing my sales-coach/supervisor gasp at the sound of the [crap] I was pulling was good fun.
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You HIT a customer?
I can see where you are coming from if you had hit on a customer, but it is quite usual to show the self-restraint necessary to not actually attack the customer.

Well, the mistake I can think of now, wasn't actually an mistake per say, as I did get to close, but I insulted the customer, and was bloody cheeky and that was what had the customer bite on the hook in the first place!

Mind you, hearing my sales-coach/supervisor gasp at the sound of the [crap] I was pulling was good fun.

Well.... you see hear the customer was demanding I allow him to buy alcahol and he was claiming , i have an ID im 21 please let me buy it , but he also claimed he dident know where his ID was and he refused o leve so finnally i decided to hit him.
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My two worst mistakes at work ever both happened last weekend.
Saturday night I left $1m unsecured when I locked up.
Sunday night I overpaid a customer $2,000.
Now I have days off, but I will be in so much trouble when I go back on Friday night.


the worst thing i ever did at someone elses job? i never did what i was told =)


I went home with the keys to were I work. twice. I ran them back as soon as I found out


i forgot that my boss dident want me bringing any so called " Dangerous Items " into work, i keep telling him it's for self protection.


i forgot that my boss dident want me bringing any so called " Dangerous Items " into work, i keep telling him it's for self protection.

what is for self protection?

my black belt is my self protection