Jamestown Expanding


InGame Name: imazh
Character Level (XP/XP): 9 105/110
Cash/Bank Account: 290
Top Job: Guard Fort
Highest Attribute: Charisma
1st Highest Skill: toughness
2nd Highest Skill: Appearance
3rd Highest Skill: Construction
Intended Character Build: Hybrid Builder-Dueler. but builder will do atm :)
Declared Intentions: have fun in game and help build a successful town. also want to have lots of friends in game like in tw :)


Member for a town

Do you need me as a member,

I would like to a member of a town so can i be in it.


Member for a town

InGame Name: PrinceOfMoney
Character Level (XP/XP):4 32/35.
Current Residency: No where.
Previous Residency:None.
Cash/Bank Account: 100 getting higher by the day.
Highest Attribute: Strength and Dexterity on 1.
1st Highest Skill: Toughness on 7.
2nd Highest Skill:Aim,Vigor and Swimming on 3.
3rd Highest Skill: Setting traps, Health points and Repairing on 2.
Intended Character Build: Dueling, earning lots of money.
Declared Intentions: To be good at dueling and make the town really good and have lots of buildings.
Personal Requirements/Requests: To be in a town so i can trade and duel.


Application Form

InGame Name: Buck The5ys
Character Level (XP/XP): Lvl 9- 75/110
Cash/Bank Account: $144*
Highest Attribute:
1st Highest Skill:
Animal instinct
2nd Highest Skill:
Horseback riding
3rd Highest Skill:
Intended Character Build: I have been, and intend to continue, focusing on Animal instinct and Riding skills, then construction and dueling...
Declared Intentions:I fully intend to do all I can to further my towns goals, including adding funds and working on Town construction. As far a my HTML skills, I am but a novice, but would be willing to lend what I do know for the betterment of all Town-members...

Additionally, I have experience as a Saloon Dancer, Rodeo Clown, Town Drunk and Camel Jockey, if that helps.

*I have joined a town and spent a couple hundred there, helping them to build their Hotel, but it seems only me and one other are doing all the work and contributing all the money. I am looking for a town where all members share equally in the duties.*


OK, after a bit of a delay I believe the final construction stint is under way. Invites coming out soon, last chance to apply if you're lvl 9 or more.


Recruiting now!

lvl 9 or more duelers, lvl 10 or more earners, lvl 11 or more constructors.


Recruiting now!

lvl 9 or more duelers, lvl 10 or more earners, lvl 11 or more constructors.

InGame Name: packerguy
Character Level (XP/XP): 10 100 out of 131
Cash/Bank Account: 450
Top Job: don't have one
Highest Attribute: strength
1st Highest Skill: toughness
2nd Highest Skill: dodging
3rd Highest Skill: health points
Intended Character Build: My build is for dueling only
Declared Intentions: have fun in game and help build a successful town.
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