Items Found


is anyone finding same items doing same jobs

i get razors doing deer

lets share what items are found at what jobs


I have a better idea...

Let's log in.

Let's have a look at the other threads that people are posting and see if what we want to talk about isn't actually an original idea but, in fact, has already graced the minds of other members of our Forum Community.

Let's go so far as to use the Tools(Search) provided by this site to see if we are not just making a thread that talks about the exact same thing as three other threads.

Then, let's post.

Let's post in a way that respects the greater Forum Community by sharing in that community and being an actual part of it.

Lets.... Ahhh, nevermind.

Just log in and post any thought that pops in your head...


I have a better idea...

Let's log in.

Let's have a look at the other threads that people are posting and see if what we want to talk about isn't actually an original idea but, in fact, has already graced the minds of other members of our Forum Community.

Let's go so far as to use the Tools(Search) provided by this site to see if we are not just making a thread that talks about the exact same thing as three other threads.

Then, let's post.

Let's post in a way that respects the greater Forum Community by sharing in that community and being an actual part of it.

Lets.... Ahhh, nevermind.

Just log in and post any thought that pops in your head...

QFT ^^:cool:


Me either..

If someone is willing to share where they find those necklace would be greatfull