Inventory Catagories


They need a way to categorize our inventory into compartments. Once you obtain a lot of clothes\other items. It's going to be a mess trying to find everything. Like have tabs on the side for a weapons section, products section, and clothing section. Maybe divide the clothing section into hats, shirts, necklaces, boots.

Or as totally different way to look at it. You could have a way to be able to select the 5 skills needed for a job and have it pick out the best clothes for you. LOL :)


This will help so much :)

But it would get a bit annoying (the product section) so if it was entwined with stacking it would be a inventory-managing-person's-wet-dream.


And if I remember of Oblivion (the best ever PS3 game according to most mags), the inventory was basically foolproof. However it took forever to scroll through.


yeah i have it on pc good menu but i had alot of things through but it was quite simple


The console inventory is too big and plus you scroll too slow, but its bearable.

Have you seen teh Bt Inventory (i think BT is the name) mod?


no like im at TESNEXUS the largest Tes4 mod website (i have done 2 mods and doing one now) but never found it ill look into it


i remember it from ages ago, It minimized the icons for the icons and make it so much easier to scroll down.


I'd love stacking, with a little number in the bottom right or the top left to tell the ammount.


yeah that would also help with selling thing when you think about it:D


Can't the products start to appear in the store, say if someone sells 5 of one. And from then on the store stocks it.


They haven't implemented that yet. But that is a good idea to have the items you sell show up in the store to be bought by others. And the stacking would be good but they would have to let you select the number you wanted to sell. I would like at least a separate section for products.


I think that it would help a lot if the products in your inventory would be put together. In example: when I have two berries show it as one, with a little two in the corner of the picture - instead of two pictures of the berries next to each other.

Organizing the backpack in categories would be nice.


I think every game with a character allready has this stacking meganism (wonder why the creators didn't think of it :confused:)


Well if they are working on it then they don't have it now do they. LOL
Plus I think it should have been able to be programmed sooner when they first programmed the inventory.


I agree, if there couldn't include the fixes and suggestions to problems from the German Version. Why release a english version?