In loving memory Of Divest


Your kidding! he's actually gone! God.. Why do you love me this much! ain't you spose to spread the love? I'm fine with you giveing it all to me, but theres a few billion other folks out there you need to be blessing to!



Your kidding! he's actually gone! God.. Why do you love me this much! ain't you spose to spread the love? I'm fine with you giveing it all to me, but theres a few billion other folks out there you need to be blessing to!


There is no god, there is no love.
You are not special.
You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake.
You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else.


There is no god, there is no love.
To Divest.

You are not special.
You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake.
You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else.
With love.
John Rose.

How sweet of you John.


I see what you did there!
How clever!
John>Alex every single time. Even if John was on his death bed after drinking stupid amounts of alcohol, John would still beat alex in a battle of the wits, hands down.


Now that Divest is back, I guess we won't really have much of a need for this :laugh:



I do hope he really is back, these forums needs some more Divest action :)


Confucius couldn't have said it any better himself! I wonder what he will think of this thread, he probably won't appreciate because I remember him saying something like if someone quits they should go out silently...


Well, I think that was aimed at the likes of alex making several threads announcing his going away, yet he kept returning. ;)

Divest did pull out silently, no word, no fuss.
Let's just hope he makes a loud comeback!


Lets pray he... no, wait, um, lets DRINK to his first post in half a year and prepare for his smashing of the morons who are inhabiting the forums... Wait, they're all banned...

Well then, lets drink with a toast to Divest's return!