"Ignorance is Bliss" - True or False?


Thanks for trying to answer, but it still doesn't make sense.

First, your answer requires the acceptance of JR's words as absolute truth, i.e. - Religious people are ignorant, which I don't. That's no more an absolute truth than saying Asian people can't drive, or Jewish people are shrewd. These are not absolute truths. They are stereotypes and opinions; nothing more.

I was merely pointing out that JR was stating that religious people were ignorant and therefore should be happy, but to me that if faulty logic. If I were to say, "Women had it rough during the great depression, therefore they have a right to be bitter." That statement is true, however it wasn't just women who had it rough during the great depression. Almost everyone had it rough. So to pick out a group and give them "rights" - so to speak - based on an absolute is not a viable argument or point. I was merely stating the hole in JR's logic.

Now I get that my analogy isn't an exact fit, but I think it makes my point.

Too bad your point once again is invalid. lol.


Too bad your point once again is invalid. lol.

By stating my point is invalid (which I still don't understand what you are basing that on. Just because you say something is invalid doesn't make it so), you are also invalidating your own, which was what I was saying anyway, so thanks for backing me up! ROFL.


By stating my point is invalid (which I still don't understand what you are basing that on. Just because you say something is invalid doesn't make it so), you are also invalidating your own, which was what I was saying anyway, so thanks for backing me up! ROFL.
Seeing you laugh makes me wonder no more, ignorance is indeed biss, for once again you are adamantly wrong.