Iggys stuff


I listened to some of your other songs, nice sounds. You gone viral yet and have you started playing your own songs?


no viral songs as of yet. I have a lot of songs that I have written but I haven't recorded any of them yet. I now have my own camera that shoots video as well that I plan on experimenting with very soon.


To tell you the truth, I didn't know what to expect and I was a bit skeptical. It completely surprised me. I absolutely love it (the one you linked). I will have to watch all your videos before I comment again, but it sounds so gooooooooooooooooood. How did you come up with the concept? I like your voice too. Looking forward to hearing more.


Chris Cornell did a rendition of Billie Jean that I really liked but I noticed that the chord progression he used was similar to Nothing Else Matters. Well, I can't really sing like Chris, but I found that If I just mash the two together it kind of works.


It does, I was surprised. The tempo of the 2 is different, so I didn't think it would work as good as it does.
Well, I watched all 4 videos. I have to say I like the metallica jackson best and the iggy live 10 second best. :p
Hope you'll record more soon, preferably with voice. I don't know how Chris Cornell's version sounds (will have to look it up), but you sound good.
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