If you were stranded on a desert island...


Which of these would you bring?

A) A broken Phone
B) A poisoned onion
C) A piece of mouldy cheese
D) A Lemon
E) A backpack with a hole int it
F) A damaged tie
G) A rock

I vote D:p


of these choices:
A broken Phone
A poisoned onion
A piece of mouldy cheese
A Lemon
A backpack with a hole int it
A damaged tie
A rock

i would have to say the one beginning with the article 'a'

edit: i forgot to put my answer.... lol.... it is one of the last 2 (not the rock, the ones before rock)... depends on how badly the tie is damaged, how big the hole in the backpack is, and where the hole is
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I would choose the mouldy cheese.
So I can catch a big rat and cook it. Food for me!
And the lemon to add more flavour


tht is one days food as they say

give a man a fish and he will eat for day, gve a man a fshing rd and he will eat for life.


id go with the lemon that way i could use the car parts to make a frame for my boat to sail off the island


I'd pick D 'cause if you bring one of the other items, they're just useless unlike a lemon 'cause you can eat a lemon or squeeze it for lemonade.