I need TIP plz


Heya guys!Look im new to this game and i got problem!What is benefit when u make town?Did u get tax from dudes who live there or anything?Or can someone tell me how i can make town?

Thanks a lot :p


only benifit is owning the town and thus organising it, leading it, accepting and disbanding members etc. You get to be the big cahoona.


If you are member of a town, you can sleep at the hotel (if there's one) for free. You can buy items at a lower price. Besides, you can make new friends when you join a town!


stefan........ before you think of founding a town relise something.. 300$ that it costs to found it is NOTHING compared to what is costs to get even a level 1 hotel and level 1 general store.. and that is with a proper builder!

Do yourself a favor and read some of the threads on the subject and JOIN an established town as this sounds like your first world get a little experience on the subject.. and while your doing those two things make 4 other friends and the 5 of you found your first town on the next world.. (6)

I would suggest you all decide which two of you will be builders and the rest need to be money makers and that is a MINIMUM consideration for starting your town


Well said timewalker. I'd add: Don't rush to found a town as soon as you have $300. Get your level up and save up some big $s. Cuz a town is a big money pit and if you cannot do high paying jobs, it will be very slow going for your town. Wait so that you have a good revenue stream to fund continual building.