How to know The Ingame Time?


I wish the admins would put out the time in the game...
We have different Time lines.. so we need it badly..

And second off..

To duel.. it says that.. ( you can attack them next 9:00am) but idk what time is it today..


No, it is GMT+2. The in-game time is currently 5.11pm according to the job I just finished, the current time in GMT is 3.11pm. In my local time (BST) it's 4.11pm.

If in doubt, look up the time difference between where you live and Germany; that will tell you how many hours to add or deduct.


In game time is same as tribalwars GMT plus 1 i think.

In fact i am sure. Try mailing someone in game, it tells you the time you sent the mail in game time, same as if you post in your town forum.

Forum is GMT time for some reason so game time will be 1 hr ahead of what your post time is on here. i do agree it would be easier with an in game clock though.


Then Innogames, the company running it, are running an hour behind the rest of their country. Does that seem likely?

I just logged in to a long-dormant TW account in fact - and it says "Server time: 17:32:43 14/10/2008". This is GMT+2.


Forum is GMT time for some reason so game time will be 1 hr ahead of what your post time is on here. i do agree it would be easier with an in game clock though.

I think this is where your error is. This forum is not on GMT, it is on BST - British Summer Time. We don't revert to GMT until the end of October. It actually SAYS at the bottom of the page: All times are GMT +1. The time now is 04:33 PM.

So to recap:
The-West in-game time is currently 5.33pm, GMT+2.
This forum time is currently 4.33pm, GMT+1.
GMT is currently 3.33pm.


Well i live in UK and it is 16.41 pm. We are GMT and yes clocks do move forward and back here but so it does in Germany.

Twars has always been plus 1 as far as i am aware. No matter what time of the year i play.

So i expect the same goes here. Either way at this moment in time the game is running 1 hour ahead of time in England, always has and always will i think. i may be proven wrong when the clocks change at the end of October here.


Well i live in UK and it is 16.41 pm. We are GMT and yes clocks do move forward and back here but so it does in Germany.

Twars has always been plus 1 as far as i am aware. No matter what time of the year i play.

So i expect the same goes here. Either way at this moment in time the game is running 1 hour ahead of time in England, always has and always will i think. i may be proven wrong when the clocks change at the end of October here.

You will, trust me, you will. I am in the UK too and I can assure you that we are not currently on GMT, that is what the SUMMER TIME part means in "BST: British Summer Time". GMT stays GMT all year round, we change our clocks away from it in summer and back to it in winter. Germany is always an hour ahead of us, including during their summer time. [Trust me, 90% of my family live in continental Europe and I've been calculating the difference between the UK and Italy, France, Germany, Austria (etc) for more than 30 years.] - take a look at this page and read carefully what it says about UTC/GMT/Zulu time and the line underneath about the UK.
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Thats true, many people have said that it takes little knowledge in order to co=ordinate on here. :)