Hefty Can't Touch This

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you do realise that person doesnt care a fig for what you think of him/her

more than likely but they seem to feel cool doing this so just thought I'd point it out.

sorry that my sense of fun doesn't involve spamming a whole forum just to piss one guy off, then making myself out to be an arrogant tosser.


This guys funny:laugh: well, until he's banned anyway haha



he doesnt seem like an arrogant tosser to me, he seems like someone who is having fun, and isnt that the point of the GAME?

or did i miss somewhere where it said "NO FUN ALLOWED EVER"?


the longcat bit had mario in it...
Is that a sign mario is not happy with this forum?:unsure: hehe
But I guess 1page later longcat will be unoriginal and pointless spam :sad:


Nashy (as himself)
You're defining fun by making 12 identical threads and using a long signature?

Doesn't sound like fun but I'm betting that you are the same person ;)


Captain obvious much èh... If you don't know how to have fun, then why reply at all?

See, he could see the fun it in.

Your sense of fun and mine are different, if you actually had any ability to comprehend the written word you would understand that from my previous post. That does not meant that I have no sense of fun simply that someone behaving like a 3 year old who hasn't got their own way no longer amuses me.


But seriously, if the sig annoys you I'll happily get a smaller one ^^


oh, im totally that person, yep

sorry, im not able to annoy hefty THAT much

but im sure he has an idea who it could be :)


Your sense of fun and mine are different, if you actually had any ability to comprehend the written word you would understand that from my previous post. That does not meant that I have no sense of fun simply that someone behaving like a 3 year old who hasn't got their own way no longer amuses me.

Actually, Hefty hasnt done anything to me in order for me to start posting this. I just thought I'd post him to make his day :)

But hey, if you can't see the fun in it. Then why still reply? Because you like to argue, and I like to do so as well. So what's your problem? That I post the same a couple of times and have an enormously long sig. I'll take the sig, it's irritating even me now :p


Oh god, we have an inspector gadget... PROXY, one word, is everything I need :) (and I happen to have more then one)

Last one I used on this account links to somewhere in the Arabs. This one links to somewhere in mexico I think?

If you use proxies to spam the-west frorums, then you are a very sad person.
I pity you.



no no no
ME = the evil

oh and some bear is evil but just one


If you use proxies to spam the-west frorums, then you are a very sad person.
I pity you.

It's not that they don't know who I am. Because they came knocking on my door last time correctly as well. Only it makes things so damn hard to prove. And why should I make it hard for myself to keep posting with my normal account whenever I need it.

Tracey, Hefty, several others (like Cindella) know EXACTLY who I am...


I said Hefty... Moron.. He can't touch this... I'm too big for him.

Because you say so? Because now I'll get banned? First of all, this is not my main account... Second of all, I only did this so Hefty has something to come home too ;)

So get your e-peen out :)

Oh god, we have an inspector gadget... PROXY, one word, is everything I need :) (and I happen to have more then one)

Last one I used on this account links to somewhere in the Arabs. This one links to somewhere in mexico I think?

Yeah and I was so hoping to not get banned... That'd end my life! I'd become AN HERO O.O

Oh no, that's what would happen to you...

All leads me to this:

If you use proxies to spam the-west frorums, then you are a very sad person.
I pity you.


Sure, I'm arrogant. Why not, if you say I'm arrogant, who am I to change that view :)

In the meantime, you're here trying to act like a wise ass... And I'm here waiting to get banned without a care in the world :)
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