Fresh meat


Hi all

I recently came across this game and have a few quick questions which I have had no luck in finding help with via the search function.

My initial reaction to this game was boredom, until I reasoned that perhaps it was a game that I could leave in the background while I go on about my life (and my WoW addiction). This being said, I would like to know what is considered to be "active". While I am only lvl 7 at the moment, I am interested in joining a town, but those which are half decent expect "active members".

Since I first logged in I have not turned this game off, as I assumed that the browser must be active for my character to continue their work. I check back frequently and tend to leave her to sleep when I do. Do you think I would fit into the active category?

I am also curious if anyone knows how much in downloads I might be using in running this game 24/7, as here in Australia we are limited in our broadband use.

Any advice appreciated, and if any towns on world 5 are looking for a keen yet inexperienced member I would be happy to consider any character class (construction and adventure are at the top of my list so far). Apologies if this is not the place to post this!

Take care :)


"active members" means logging in every day and donating to the town's treasury/build.
it works even when you're off line.


the game runs on a server not your computer so the game or any task you ask your char to do will be done.

so there is no reason to leave it on for 24/7

sins you are able to do a task and then tell her/him to do another one when s/he is done you dont really need to be on for more then 5 min evry 4 hour.

but as minimun i whould say one or 2 times a day you should log in and check your on you char.



Thanks very much, My partner will be happy that I will no longer be hoarding our usage :D

I shall now go about finding a town to help build, any suggestions on an "idiots guide" like site which will help with any other nubby questions I may have (apart from west-stats)?

Thanks again appreciate it :)


you have allready found it:)

the forum is the best place to find an answer to your question.

just read the stickys when you get the time and a lot of the questions that gets asked all the time is on a sub-forum in the top of this forum its called "
Gem's Helpful Reference Section"


Awesome, have had a good look at all the FAQ's and help references but I am the sort of person who seems to find something obscure to question - will worry about that when I get there!

Thanks again :)


It doesn't use much data anyways mate. I log on using mobile BB when Im not at home and want to keep my character active. This might take 10-15 mins and only uses 4 or five MB (and our costs over this side of the ditch are even more expensive than yours...)

Btw, feel free to check out our town, Winterfell, we are looking for aussies and kiwis atm :)

Edit: Oops, sorry didnt realise you were in W5...


Yeah I didn't think that it was too costly on the downloads, though my partner liked to think this game responsible for our nearly exceeded monthly limit - rather than the numerous online movies he had been watching :laugh:

When will our countries ISP's get their act together and offer the same unrestricted and cheap access as countries such as the US? Bad enough they are trying to censor our activities :mad: Though I did not realise NZ was worse than us!

Anyway I'd best be off before I rant too much, thanks for the offer, but I was lucky enough to find a fun little town to help build :)