Fort Battles

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I intend to initiate an attack on Rock Ridge in a few days - after i talk to all TW & Allies Leaders...
Just do not think too long. While you are thinking and talking - we need fort battles to fight every day - as for many our people they are the most interesting thing currently in game. And if we attack - we will try to make battle balanced - so we could have a chance of winning.
I prefer to have multi attacks on us or no fort battles at all while people are constantly preparing but never actually attacking.

As i understand from our side ThePro will be organising 1on1 battles too - will try not to start more of attacks when she does too.


I will not take a long time thinking or planning, Lokiju - but i do need to get in touch with all leaders & make sure they have no attacks of their own already planned. Otherwise, if i launch an attack & then they do, too you would say i broke my word. I am trying to make sure this will be a fair, 1 on 1 battle.

Also, i do have a job & family outside this game, & weekdays are not the best for me. I work really odd hours. So, i expect to initiate between fri afternoon & monday afternoon. I will let everyone know exactly when once i get in touch with all leaders & confirm they will honor this agreement. If that is not soon enough for you, feel free to launch a battle in the mean time. :)


mstncobra, have you ever lived to see the Miestas Fort battles? -TW- launched 3 main assaults on it, 2 near-full-house then a full-house, and the county's name is still what it is. Just to say, assaulting a large fort takes more than challenging whether your opponent 'have the guts to participate in a real 1 on 1 battle' - because the ones resorting to multis to get back large forts, recently, is -TW- ^^

In response to having them taken in multi battles.

Are you really this stupid or are you just roleplaying?


You know i think you are a standup guy, but please do not insult Erica :)
I will have to reply if you do..

Erica clearly stated to take back large forts. We all know how they got them.

What Erica is trying to say is that you guys tried to take them 1 on 1 but failed. That is why you are lowering yourself to Miesta standards to get what you want.


Just thought i would post this latest Miestas attack, looks like we defended a small fort for change. :razz:

-TW- S Frontier Fork
50 fighters have attacked the Fort. 42 defenders defended.
50 attackers fell. 15 defenders fell.


Was offline attacking for this one but survived quite easily and high in damage inflicted? Guess it ended up offliners v offliners in a shoot out.

Battle for FORT FA

102 fighters have attacked the Fort. 72 defenders defended.
77 attackers fell. 48 defenders fell.

Defenders Held the fort went 55 rounds.


Not when you look at the battle report, not enough onliners, cant be won if you cant reach the flag or kill the enemy. Not like the attackers could hide anywhere lol, i know i put myself to shoot through the gates and nobody tried to get me. The travesty is that all the attackers should of died not that they didnt win the battle.


Fort FA was a reenactment of 1st bull run. An easy win turned to cow pies.


Next time, tell all the folks set their destination the Flag. that way a 100-men rush can't be stopped by anything...


I think you will find they would be easy pickings depending on defensive onliners lol. That would be my dream to sit on the North wall a pick the flag runners :)


aah yes, those offliners sure can make your day when you are at the right side of a fort :)

Looking fporward to tonights battle, should be fun


Hopefully it will be good, although there are two battles going on. I know FargoBear is AFK all the time running Grepolis basically, so i am not sure he realised that Miestas had already initiated an attack.

Will have to see if the numbers can stack up.


We are not going to lily, there some random attackers only could be. We'll take it another time ;)


We wont counter attack if it will be as you say. We did this in the past even if it cost us our all small/medium forts - we surely will do if no our forts are at stake. Even if some of our members would initiate some attack (as our people are ordered to start counter attacks when they see attacks on us coming) - i wont organise attack and tell everyone not to come to it.
If you tell time in advance - i'll send letter not to initiate counter attacks so there woudnt be such incident.

Oh... and if you take Rock ridge fort from us in 1on1 battle - i'll be first to congratulate you and name myself looser ;)

:) First of all, let me congratulate Miestas & allies on successfully defending against the attack on Friends of Miestas. It was a really even battle numbers-wise. 120 defenders to 126 attackers. However, we did not have anywhere near enough on-line. Not to make excuses, but having people on-line is important to winning. Great job by Miestas and allies. [I am being serious here, not sarcastic.]

I would like a chance to try an attack myself. The attack will be initiated on Saturday. I am giving everyone, especially lokiju a heads up so there will , hopefully, be no counter attacks. For certain reasons [ownership of the fort when we win] i will not be initiating it myself, but someone from Rock Ridge will.

I myself have seriously enjoyed the last couple of attacks & defenses w/o all the multi-bs. Friends of Miestas & Bank Rolled, for example. Let's see if we can keep on having some good battles. By the way, i am not claiming to be the first one to promote 1 on 1 battles. I am simply tired of hearing all the bickering about who did what first, second or last. All i would like is to see many more battles take place in the same manner last couple have. Where both sides actually have a chance. Let's see if we can have another good battle on Sunday. :)


where this at then?
you failed to mention it and also good luck with the battle


where this at then?
you failed to mention it and also good luck with the battle

Tom Paris and the word fail go very well together indeed.

Obviously the large fort in the county - Firends of Miestas duh...



:) First of all, let me congratulate Miestas & allies on successfully defending against the attack on Friends of Miestas...

I would like a chance to try an attack myself. The attack will be initiated on Saturday. I am giving everyone, especially lokiju a heads up so there will , hopefully, be no counter attacks. For certain reasons [ownership of the fort when we win] i will not be initiating it myself, but someone from Rock Ridge will.

where this at then?
you failed to mention it and also good luck with the battle

I thought i made it pretty clear...i would like a chance to try an attack at Friends of Miestas, as i have been discussing all along if you read the previous posts. What other fort would TW Rock Ridge be concerned about retaining ownership of??? Look forward to seeing everyone there. :razz:
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