

The butler appeared again. "I do believe that the smelling salts are kept in the upper shelf of the medicine cabinet in the *heh* bathroom. By the way, you are all free to go. Whether you decide to leave the mansion or roam around in it, no one is stopping you."


(I got permission from Yogitchalondu to join. Please let's get this going again.)
Name: Dylan Dark
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Profession: Game Designer
Interests: Gaming, Making new games.
Hobbies: Reading,Gaming,and Hunting.
Phobias: Large fires and being burned.
Relationship with host: He was largely interested in buying stock in my game design company as it took off. We had many conferences and became friends overtime. Occasionally doing favors for each other.
One reason you might dislike him: He once bought stock in a rival game company.
Bio: At age 13 was making his own games. Went to an exclusive college and got many degrees in programming and computer related sciences. Now heads and programs for Dark Gaming Inc. And is usually on his computer.
"I'll go fetch the smelling salts!" I cried out. I had heard Bill Blue talk about the blood in the bathtub and was interested to check it out myself. I had read quite a few mystery novels in my time. "Butler. Umm...Sir what's your name? I would like a room plan of the house ready for me when I get back if possible. And anyone who is staying I would like in this room when I return."