Easter tombola


Is it possible to make tombola available for Easter so we can complete our new sets or at least get close? Please? Cmon this used to be an even game now its all about who buys more nuggets?


Not sure it will have the same impact as the nugget munchers already spent their share of nuggets and got most of the things they wanted. But it wouldn't be in Inno's detriment to say the least. Lure some 20% extra nugget on purchase and it might just spice the spending a bit more.


The better thing is: Rename it to "West Tombola" and make it available 365 days. Innogames is not gonna lose anything, but can earn lots of $ again. I always enjoyed it even though I'm getting only the common items.


because free turns are available daily, I don't think you will get your way San.


that will be great sandaki, but i think you might be pushing your luck a little bit


The better thing is: Rename it to "West Tombola" and make it available 365 days. Innogames is not gonna lose anything, but can earn lots of $ again. I always enjoyed it even though I'm getting only the common items.

I wouldn't mind this option either but the items from the tombola should remain exclusive. Some people had put a lot of money into the tombola to get the items and now they will become easily available. Kinda defeats the purpose we gave out during Xmas ain't it?

Obviously everyone wants all the sets, myself included but that was not really the point we were aiming at.


ye make it a tombolo that gives out random items or products.

and if your lucky named items, excluding the ones from tombolo of course


Except, android, it does.
If players spent the kind of money to win the tombola, or to find the sets, they did so because of the sets' rarity and power.
Making them easily accessible would remove 90% of the point of owning the sets-if everyone has them, there's really no point to have them.


Except, android, it does.
If players spent the kind of money to win the tombola, or to find the sets, they did so because of the sets' rarity and power.
Making them easily accessible would remove 90% of the point of owning the sets-if everyone has them, there's really no point to have them.

Unless the underlying mechanics changed ... You can only get products and random items form the cheapest option and no luck can climb it higher. While the following 3 options would keep the same substance as they did on christmas.

That means you still have to pay to get the items and no amount of luck will give you those rare items ... luck that was there in the Christmas version.


Except, android, it does.
If players spent the kind of money to win the tombola, or to find the sets, they did so because of the sets' rarity and power.
Making them easily accessible would remove 90% of the point of owning the sets-if everyone has them, there's really no point to have them.
there is no point we get another tombola to complete our sets ... it was suppose in during new year ... if we will get another tombola for some special days like easter or ... so put new sets for chests and ruin game and purpose of this set


That would still reduce the intrinsic value of the sets.

We are not talking about intrinsic value of those items on the market but about fairness towards other players. I was unaware that this game should listen to those players who have these sets already and want to protect it's worth by denying others the same. Just like they paid nuggets to get them, so should others. I mean it makes sense to me this way, but don't get me wrong, either way I am fine. If they want to reopen tombola during Easter, leave it all year but tweak it, or reject it altogether it makes no difference to me. I spent a bit of nuggets, not much, and got a few nice items. True, I am missing some pants and mostly guns, but I don't think I'd spend nuggets on them again.

To think about it now ... if you can get clothing for 170 nuggets posibility and guns for 820... those items will unlikely loose value.
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The tombola items in chests. Common tombola chest, uncommon tombola chest, Rare tombola chest, Very rare tombola chest etc... Avialable through Shop. Costs: 20 bonds, 50 bonds, 200 bonds and 1000 bonds.


The tombola items in chests. Common tombola chest, uncommon tombola chest, Rare tombola chest, Very rare tombola chest etc... Avialable through Shop. Costs: 20 bonds, 50 bonds, 200 bonds and 1000 bonds.

lol, 1000 bonds for very rare vs 800 nuggets for a very rare spin, and 1500 bonds for a premium chest, which usually gives worse items? If an Easter tombola isn't going to happen, that definitely won't.

I really doubt any tombola set items will ever be available again besides maybe next Christmas. People spent tens of thousands of nuggets on the understanding that it was a one time opportunity. Nuggets were purchased based on that promise and turning around and offering the items again seems like it's going to cause a lot of ill will.

Or, maybe not. If they've already dumped their spares in a seller's market they may have already had enough of an advantage in getting top dollar for their extra items and having other opportunities to get the items might not bother them so much.
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Or, maybe not. If they've already dumped their spares in a seller's market they may have already had enough of an advantage in getting top dollar for their extra items and having other opportunities to get the items might not bother them so much.

I think your reasoning is sound for what it's worth.


Or, maybe not. If they've already dumped their spares in a seller's market they may have already had enough of an advantage in getting top dollar for their extra items and having other opportunities to get the items might not bother them so much.

Got a good point:D

There where people that used the 800 nuggets for getting more and more high level items.

Anything from that very hard to get as gone for, at least, 400k each. Some of those where for higher than that...
So it wasn´t a new spin or some other way to get something of those sets that would bother them.


You all have it wrong.

So far it was one luck set item per holiday. This year brings one whole new set per holiday.


You all have it wrong.

So far it was one luck set item per holiday. This year brings one whole new set per holiday.

Speaking of sets and holidays, I still feel my holiday set is sadly incomplete. They need to at least give us clothing for the set, dammit.