Duel Rollback Potion


Well-Known Member
I recently came back to the game because I heard about this potion but what is the point of it?

It's a effectively an admission that "Duel Levels" aren't good for the game, The potion is just a band-aid fix every 180 days.

Why not just change/remove duel levels? leave it as bragging rites, ornamental.

Also there's so many things that can be done to duelling like lets say, a system where by default you can't be duelled but you OPT Into being duelled/duelling, which gives you increase xp/money/drop/luck for being duellable. But of course carries the risk of being duelled. This would quickly solve the issue. Also a previous suggestion here: https://forum.beta.the-west.net/index.php?threads/new-duelling-system-proposal.4390/ (xp formula needs nerfing for this)

I'm not complaining, thanks for adding the potion!

But I can't help but think the way bigger problem still exists and could be quite easily solved.


Well-Known Member
They won't change or remove duel levels becuase they would have to

1. Think about the possible solutions (which they don't have anyone hired to do)
2. Developers would have to change the code of the game which they won't do because Inno games doesn't hire developers to develop.


Well-Known Member
Pretty sure even the analyst could make duel levels cosmetic I doubt it'd take changing more than a single line of code.

Kidd Kalypso

Well-Known Member
You would think so.....but, this is inno. The company that can not figure out how to release a fart without it being buggy.