Distance Calculator


There has been a few situations where I have found myself wanting to know how long it would take a player to get from here to there.

So in short I created the Distance Calculator to be able to work out the time between two points on the map. I have made the Distance Calculator available on west.orkhost.com if anyone wishes to use it. As far as I can tell it seems to be accurate within a few seconds.

One interesting point I found when deciphering the distance calculation, was that the method used for calulating the distance meant that distances along the X-Axis(Left to Right) were calulated at a shorter time. Thus meaning the same distance along the Y-Axis and X-Axis, would result in the X-Axis time been shorter. Just a little something I thought I should point out.

The overall message is to walk like a crab and save time :laugh:
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You should be able to now, my sig link was pointing to the test site.


Well-Known Member
Why would you really care? When you open a job it tells you the distance, and when you click the signpost of a town it tells you the time to travel there. Where else would you want to go?


actually its the mini map tat tells you how far are you from a certain job...its not like tribal wit a certain "address" ...

i just thought why cant te towns have "addresses"? i mean under te town's name is the exact location along X/Y axis...?


You do some great work Eddy, but I wonder if it is really neccessary? I don't see the need for this.

As mentioned above, you can click on something to find out your travel time, so why would you go to an external site and have to follow all those steps to find out the same thing?


Thanks. This Distance Calculator like you said doesn't have much use(On it's own). The time when I found myself wanting it was when I went to duel town members, I wanted to know if other town member were alerted could they get to safety in time.

One of the main reasons for making it though is that I need this distance calculator function for an up coming project :).