Discipline for those misbehavin' kids!

Red Falcon

Well-Known Member
Howdy, everyone!

Who here has a child or children? Well, even if you don't, feel free to share your methods of discipline and/or punishment for a child gone bad. What would you do if you caught your child in the act of misbehavin'? How would you dish out his or her punishment? What would it be? Feel free to post your comments here and whether or not you disagree with the method of punishment described by a person who posted above you. If you disagree with it, you can state the method of punishment you would impose upon your child or children in it's place.


Lectures, informing them of your disappointment at their disobedience, loss of privileges, and corporal punishment in some cases, but never in anger, and never with the intention of causing harm.


First time offence, lecture and warning of loss of items, as well as possibly tasks to make up for it.
Second time offence, loss of certain items, warnings of loosing privileges, tasks to make up for it and definite lecture
Third time plus, loss of privileges,items, lecture, tasks to make up for it.


Enroll them in to the Foreign Legion.
Trolling aside, showing anger teaches anger. Teaching them fear may work, but I guess it leads to the same path... sadly.
This is one for child psychologists as I think corectly disciplining a child has strong effects on his development.
I wouldn't try my own way if disciplining before consulting one or more books.


I would firstly remind my errant progeny that a BB gun is not a toy and should never be pointed at a person's person (unless that person was unlawfully on my property), and that Elmer Putz having a big ass is not sufficient reason to use it as a target. I would remind him that the right to bear arms comes with certain responsibilities and should only be exercised either in self-defence or for amusement at the expense of wild animals.
I would point out that when he roams the neighbourhood with the small arsenal that I allow him he is a representative of and ambassador for the whole Makepeace family and that I do not want to be endlessly explaining to the Emmerbach's why their cat is walking with a limp or has lost the sight of an eye.
I would then put the miscreant on a bread and water diet until he had cut me a cord of wood, milked the cow and creosoted the barn. It never did me any harm and helped make me the fine, upstanding pillar of the community that I am today.


I'd say it would depend on the age of the child and what they have actually done to be "naughty". Although i like the Foreign Legion idea its probably a little harsh for when they haven't done their homework.


I plan to make a reward/punishment board, with minor/medium/major rewards/punishments depending on what the child does. In each category (jar) there are several pieces of papers one can write together with the child. The child will be able to name the rewards and be aware of the punishments before he/she does something.
I believe it is as important to reward good behavior as it is to punish bad behavior. And it is also important for the child to know the consequences beforehand.
When the child is to small to be able to understand/help with the rewards/punishments, then you can't really discipline that child, but you teach him and lay a foundation. And that requires a lot of patience, care and most of all: LOVE.

PS: By making the minor rewards/punishments chore-related, the child will also be taught how to keep his room clean and toys off the floor.
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Really depends on the child the age and the issue at the time.

1 st offence Lecture, explanation and details of what happens on second offence. Usually an outlined punishment pending or restriction of items/freedoms etc. Reminder that you love them but won't tolerate bad behaviour and will punish next time.

2nd offence Lecture and explanation of instigation of what was warned on the first offence would happen. Further penalties outlined for third offence with a caveat of undisclosed and further punishment at that time ( this can really set their imagination off ). Reminder you do love them but also have to keep your word re the last warning on being punished this time and will be even more severe the next time.

3rd offence reminder to do the crime means doing the time, instigate punishment as promised and other greater punishment as also promised but previously undisclosed. ( time to get creative ) remind them they are loved but have to take the punishment as it comes, no excuses.

Thats pretty general and depends on how the family is around them, no point promising anything if the parent dosnt stick to their promises in daily life because the child will not believe they will if they do something wrong.

Following through on a promise the second time usually means there isnt a third.

If all else fails theres always the foreign legion ;)


I would firstly remind my errant progeny that a BB gun is not a toy and should never be pointed at a person's person (unless that person was unlawfully on my property), and that Elmer Putz having a big ass is not sufficient reason to use it as a target. I would remind him that the right to bear arms comes with certain responsibilities and should only be exercised either in self-defence or for amusement at the expense of wild animals.
I would point out that when he roams the neighbourhood with the small arsenal that I allow him he is a representative of and ambassador for the whole Makepeace family and that I do not want to be endlessly explaining to the Emmerbach's why their cat is walking with a limp or has lost the sight of an eye.
I would then put the miscreant on a bread and water diet until he had cut me a cord of wood, milked the cow and creosoted the barn. It never did me any harm and helped make me the fine, upstanding pillar of the community that I am today.

I don't know who this guy above is but he's hilarious. I am planning to implement your child rearing program TOMORROW. I have to work out how to get creosote tar out of the wash. Thanks to your novel ideas I am rejecting my previous philosophy of 'Drowning at Birth' as a primitive approach to the issue at hand. I am still curious whether or not you might recommend some sort of modified Michael Vick plan where one could 'Arena-ize' the kids in dog combat (or use some similarily suitable animal....rabid squirrels for example) in order to give them that little taste o' death that is sorely missing in today's world. Risking being hit by the school bus just isn't what it used to be given those new-fangled safety bars and all........