Death Scythe - holiday item

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I see "death scythe" listed in the holiday item set, but can't find any reference to it on weststats or anywhere else. Anybody know what it is?


You will not find reference on weststats because it is new. No new holiday quest was available on weststats prior to us solving it first.
The Tod's Sense was implemented in the 1.29 update. Like any other holiday set item, will be obtainable through a quest. Like any other holiday quest, it will be available during a holiday. So be patient and check your quests once in a while, specially before and during holidays. I suggest you make sure to check quests on Halloween.


Thanks I just wanted make sure I'm not missing something

I don't know what a death scythe is but I'm pretty sure that I want one

Deleted User - 1278415


Envision these items to get an idea

Halloween reference:

and for historical reference:


I'm only to assume this will be a left hand weapon as we have rotten eggs.

Deleted User - 1278415

it might be a holiday melee set item, as the eggs are a firearm holiday set item.

just as they did with the Gold Weapon set.

If it is a fort weapon.. then my hopes for a pumpkin cannon have been squashed.

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