Count to 00,000




When we say zombies, are we talking in a sense like the Walking Dead where the can come back even if a person is not killed by a bite?

Deleted User - 819397


I have a map of Arunsia drawn, but since it's hand drawn and my scanner does a crappy job of scanning pencil, you all don't get to see it! The little map I gave you all in my post as we were determining where to go next was based on the big one, but only a piece and in nowhere near as much detail :laugh:




I should also post in Arunsia, huh? Geez. More to post in than I thought. Tomorrow will be busy.

Deleted User - 819397


I just took another look at the map bit I gave you all…man did I not give that details (if there was an appropriate cowboy evil face here I'd use it at this point)



Tiger, you're up in FSL by the way... I believe that Regal is waiting for your post before he goes ahead himself...

Yeah... I know I'm up in a bunch of stuff. I'll try and make time to post, but I'm kinda preoccupied by RL, and I'll be busy for most of the weekend.



The zombies/ghouls are more along the lines of the ones from the Fallout games and 28 days later. They're not really zombies, more insane, rotting, canibal humans so yes they can run a marathon and are semi-intelligent

Deleted User - 3853873

5386 number times i tried easter duel to never win a rifle lol
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Braet, does that mean that we'll get non-feral ghouls at some point? That'd be cool