Count to 00,000

Deleted User - 819397


*Grumbing about how people didn't immediately leave the cave in CoA like he expected and having to actually map the place and come up with interesting things about it aside from the wraith so that there's a purpose to their wandering...*



Hey guys I was thinking of using this for part of my next post in CoA, lets us know what you think:

"Hey you know what would be really fun Perran? Lets go back into those caves and see where they lead....I bet go on for miles and miles and miles, in fact we'd better double back a couple of times so that we don't miss anything!"



I equally, have much coursework to do... and combined with a game session on sunday (which I haven't planned anything for) means I might not get round to posting in CS until next week.

Deleted User - 819397


No worries Tiger...but the more interesting path may collapse in CoA in your absence... :p